chapter. 12

6 0 15

Viyas pov

Whatever Kia used to knock me out gave me a massive headache when I woke up. I couldn't even open my eyes, mostly out of fear of what I would see... Fuck if Touya doesn't get a move on and save me.

I felt pressure on my shoulders, my wrist hurt, gravity was never fun when you were dangling from God knows what. I could smell something burning. My eyes shot open, and that burning smell was my flesh. I felt the smoke gently caressing my face before I felt the serring pain coming from the source. My eyes shot open and I let out a blood curdling scream.

"Ah~ there you are, my little flower. Thought you were going to pretend to sleep forever."

Kais voice was more painful than the hot iron poker he held against my stomach. Yet another scar this man was going to leave on my body. I refused to cry, though, just like when I was younger. I only let this man see my tears once, and it wasn't because of anything he did to my body.

He had a man with a quirk that brought worst nightmares deep in the mind forward, ones one might not even know about and make them feel as real as they were actually happening.. mine were watching him kill touya and my brother in front of me. Back when I thought my brother still gave a fuck and would one day find and rescue me. What a joke that was. My only savior is Touya.

My toes curled as I felt the iron returned to my skin, pressed firmly against my side this time. A new spot, making me squirm, my throat was already going raw from the screaming.

"You let the heros see you V. They know you're alive. You let your brother know your alive."

Kais face was close to mine. Way to close for my own comfort. My nose wrinkled and I spat. The mask stopped it from going to far. But the sentiment was there he knew what I was trying to do.

"I have no brother. You made sure of that. I have no family. I have no love for anyone!"

His eyes narrowed at me from behind that mask. He sat the hot iron down in the water, causing steam. He knew I was lying. He watched my attachment grow to Touya for years. We were inseparable and still are. He had formed our own weaknesses with each other, I was touya's cryptonite, and he was mine.

"You know I taught you that lying is bad. Years being away, you've lost your home training."

My eyes shot to the iron rod. Expecting him to pick it up and use it on me again. Leaving more wounds, no words will ever be able to fix, though that hasn't stopped Touya from trying over the years. I still wake up from a dead sleep with memories just like this moment. My body shakes, and I want to scream, but I don't. I retreat back to that small, little corner of my find where no one can touch me. 

Kais subtle threats used to work, he would use any memory, any cling to happiness to get to me, I'm sure he used the same tactics on the other i. It wasn't going to work, not anymore, Touya. Rather, Dabi was stronger. The Monster him and Enji created, from childhood till we escaped the HPSC.

"I have no home training, I've never had a home. Just hell and pain. Thanks to you."

My voice sounded flat, lifeless. I pointed my focus on the ground. It was cold and from what I could tell we were in some type of basement, I was asleep when he moved me. Well, knocked out rather. 
The chuckle he let out let me know he was amused with my answer. His cold, gloved hand took my face and forced me to look up at him. How much I wish I could bite him.

"Again with the lying V, you really need to be reminded of your place when you are around me."

All amusement in his voice left as if he flipped a switch. Something he was the best at. I tried my best to ignore the shiver. It was stopped short by this pain in my lower stomach. The pain grew and grew. It wasn't like the pain from the hot metal he held to my skin. This pain was also familiar, but much, much worse than I ever experienced. There was so much pain my knees gave out before I could even register what had happened. Slowly, I looked from the man to his right arm that was extended out. But his hand wasn't touching me. I fallowed the withe of his arm down. Lower until I laid eyes on the object in his hand, the hilt of a switch blade. The blade, deep in my lower abdomen between my hips. Pain, confusion, panic, finally the need to breathe hit me, and I gasped. I hadn't realized I was holding my breath. A single tear ran down my face as I looked back up at the monster who had just stabbed me. But why 'there' why not my side, leg arm...why so deep. I wanted to ask him at least one of my questions, but the only thing that escaped was a blood filled scream.

betrayed.  Hawks X O.COnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora