Chapter. 7

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The black van pulled out into the street from the back alleyway we had been storing the getaway van in, the tires squealed, and the van tipped slightly. causing us all to be thrown from one end of the van to the other, it was more so annoying, trying to keep my hair perfect and the dress from showing any of my girly parts. Not that anyone here would complain, well not being Touya killed them all if they saw to much.

"Oy Lizard learn how to drive or I'll kill you."

Touya screamed in annoyance at the front of the van, spinner being the only one that hasn't blown up a car has been assigned all the driving... not saying it's a good thing he still the worst driver just not as deadly as the rest of us. I fixed the corset top of my dress, sighing and understanding Touya's annoyance. I wasn't normally around the others in the lov as much as he was, he took as many missions on his own or would do the meetings come get me and then we would go together, which was normally fine with the boss. Toga looming over my shoulder was new, so was her poking my boobs. Touya was too focused on yelling at spinner to see, lucky for Toga or I'm sure she would be a pile of ashes by now.

"You know V. For someone so small your tits are huge. And I picked out the best dress if I do say so myself."

Toga continued to shamelessly poke at my tits, until Touya finally looked over at us, growled, yes literally growled at her, then smacked her hands away. Pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist, honestly, I'm surprised that didn't happen sooner, though the others seemed to be used to Touya's crazy over protectiveness over me by now, sometimes I think they expect for him to just kill me. Little do they know, he has tried, well at least he had tried to kill me with his dick. 

"Tell me again why we are doing this?"

I whined, knowing this was an opportunity to get some type of revenge, and was worried these idiots were going to ruin it, wishing we could have just taken an uber or a lift...something that wasn't this. The manner of this plan was taking place with who was going to be there seemed riskier than I was comfortable with. Though I kept up my normal whiney facade to not alarm all for one again. I was already on thin ice with the man that was supposed to be all of our saviors in one way or another, if I pop off asking questions again, I'd be risking me and my man's life's. I didn't wish to fuck with him like that, I already he's already on several wanted lists because of me... Well and the fact he's murdered people. 

"We were ordered too princess. Now do you remember what I told you?"

Shifting in my seat, I sat sideways on his lap and glared at him. Hitting him in the chest with my small Goddy purse that Toga swore I just had to have to pull this outfit together. which to be fair, to not be standing out she definitely picked a number, short teacup styled dress, black lace see though stomach, but not enough see through to see the scars, which I was grateful for. My high half ponytail that fell around my shoulders in dark brown and blond waves and the heavy smokey make-up I take blame for. But I'll admit I look hot. the first thing coming off is these heels though. even with four-inch stilettos I hardly came up to Touya's chest. Next time I'll have to get platform combat boots. Maybe then I will be kind of at his height. Kind of.

"Of course, I'm not an idiot. Stay low, blend in and when we see the signal...cause havoc"

I said low, I'm sure my voice almost sounded too serious, pretending to be serious was hard. I had mixed emotions honestly. Wanting to take down Hawks but also not wanting anyone else to get hurt. Mostly his wife. I felt bad for her, there was no way she knew the truth about the bird man she was married too. And even if she did, this was done way before her time with Keigo. So, she's just as innocent as anyone else there. The van suddenly came to a halt, jerking everyone inside. Dabi started to yell at Spinner until Toga reached over and pulled the door open. Doin it for the cake, just got to remember that.

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