Chapter. 11

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Viyas POV

Pulling up to his fuckin mansion brought back memories from the day my blond headed fuck of a father brought me to this man. No older than five, he came and got me from school, said we were going somewhere "special" Ha, special, my ass, my father brought me to this house of fucking lies where I was then delivered to the HPSC. Kai, or as the rest of the world knows him as overhaul. Is the face of the underground vigilantes but in reality. He's a fucking monster, they say he's twenty-five. But no one knows how long he's been twenty-five for. Man must have a non aging quirk added on to his terrifying one...

"Girl are you breathin?"

I look up from the spot I was staring at on the table and glared at Aly. We were in the dinning hall for some reason. Kai sat me down and walked off with Keigo, tailing him like a lost puppy. So here I sat, bound, covered in dried blood, sweat, and wounds.

"You know I would have never let them hurt you back there."

I said through that quirk canceling mask that Kai so graciously put on me. It made my voice muffled but still could be understood. Though Aly stared at me like I was speaking another language.

"And no, I knew nothing about them kidnapping you. They probably knew I'd be against it. And im not exactly besties with chapstick boy. "

Her eyes narrowed. She didn't say anything though, as if she was contemplating my words. Probably trying to figure out who chapstick boy is... in my opinion, it's not that hard to figure out.. The guy with dryer skin than I am right now.
I wasn't going to beg for her help, not like she would give it anyway, or be allowed to..... I also wasn't about to try to convince her to help me escape. She was too wrapped around that birds feather for all that.
I didn't think she was ever going to reply until. She did, first, her eyes darting behind me, looking at something I couldn't. The restraints on my body were too tight for me to turn around, so i stared at her for answers.

"Yea? Well, then I guess, I'll say what those in my country say after a tragedy.
"Thoughts and prayers" Viya."

She got up from her side of the table and walked around to mine, leaning down to my level, until her mouth was even with my ear.

"See ya later, Chubby bunny"

She booped my nose and was gone. I could hear keigo and Kai...fucking hell. And then a memory came back to me..."Chubby Bunny" wasn't her attempt to make fun of my weight. My eyes went wide, and a memory from my days in the facility ran by the HPSC came flooding back.

"V, come on it'll be fun, she said we won't get in trouble."

A young Touya was tugging at my hand. We both had to be under ten. Reluctantly I fallowed him, which was normal. Where he was dragging us off to I had no idea. Until we made it to the forest line that surrounded the compound. I tugged my little hand away, or atleast tried.

"Touya...we are going to get in troubled again. I don't wanna go back to the scary room... it's to loud. Please can we just got back inside?"

He rolled his eyes and kept tugging me along. I stopped arguing, honestly there wasn't any point of me protesting, once Touya had made up his mind it was over. We were gonna do whatever he agreed to. Once he stopped I peaked around his back, holding onto his shirt. There stood a smaller girl, she couldn't be older than seven at most. She looked a little younger than me, dark golden brown skin. Dressed in a uniform like we had. Most were boring pink or blue scrubs. With a silver name plate, regardless of age we all had on the same thing.

"So, why did you call us out here?"

Touya asked, putting his hands on his hips, I shot him a glare. He brought us out here without a plan, or even an idea of even why we were coming all this way, risking getting in trouble. How behind a tree next to the girl popped a little blonde boy, his skin was paler than my own and he had sharp yellow eyes, looking down he had a black backpack. Looking back up to the boy I narrowed my eyes.

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