Chapter 11

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"Thank you for looking out for me."

Daniel nods.

"No problem. Your friend Bee seems a bit dangerous. "

Oh the irony.

When you get to your house, you turn to him to bid goodbye. You're standing right at your front door.

"This is me."

He tilts his head.

"Is your grandmother home?"

You shake your head.

"She's a busy woman. I kind of envy her social circle. "You joke. 

His eyes move back to you, and when he takes a step closer, you're a bit taken aback.

"Can I come in?"

He's closer than you expect.

"I-I don't think that would be a very good idea." You gulp. He just wears that grin.

"Are you afraid that I'll take advantage of you?"

You aren't sure how to answer the question. He takes another step, reaching for the knob as he twists it harshly. You flinch when you hear the metal break beneath his palm. He's just a breath away, and your stomach is doing frightened flips.

"Let's go inside."

It's not a request, it's an order. You stumble into the house, and he closes the door behind him slowly when you drop the books in your hand. He inhales, smirking and when the red flickers around his irises, you're terrified.

"I think we both know that you've figured out what I am."

Maybe you knew the second you met him.



He circles you like prey.

Right about now that's how you feel.

"You might think that I'm the villain in this story, but you're wrong. Those autobots are the true villains aren't they? They used you, played you. Are those really people you would like to associate yourself with."

The male smiled at you.

"I can help you prove everything that you've known from the start. You can expose the autobots for the monsters they are. " You swallowed.

"You're a decepticon, why would you help me?"

He just grinned.

"Because I know what it's like to be taken advantage of by those self righteous bots. Do you truly believe we are the enemy? We just wanted to go home. But Optimus trapped us here. We were angry. That's the only reason we attacked that city."

He moved closer, and you held your breath when the back of his palm ran along your cheek.

"You and I are the same. Can't you feel it? All I want is to help your dreams come true."

His words were possibly everything you wanted to hear. You couldn't help but wonder if you'd gotten it all wrong. Maybe the Decepticons were just fighting to get home. If Bumblebee lied about his existence, who's to say that Cybertron wasn't still there and they were just spinning another lie.

Your eyes moved back to the male in front of you.

"What do you need from me?"

His grin grew wider.

He opened his palm, and the changing of his human arm to a mechanical one had you uneasy. He placed it on your shoulder, and you were shocked when you saw the blue fluorescent light that was now glowing from all your veins.

"Whatever you built that night had a piece of the allspark in it. Somehow that energy is now coursing through your veins. Not many bots can see it, not at first. You're the perfect example of a hybrid. You can help me get back to my home and in exchange, I'll give you all the information you need to prove the existence of aliens, in turn you help me power my machine. A fair exchange don't you think?" 

His hand shifted back, and he held it out for you to shake.

"Do we have a deal?"

This could have been the worst decision, but what was the alternative? You wanted to be recognized. You needed it.

You needed this.

You shook his hand.

"Where do we start?"  

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