Chapter 3

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After your success with Bumblebee, you felt like you were on cloud nine. Earlier that week you'd helped John not only fix but sell three of his cars. He was so happy that he cut some of the earnings with you when he really didn't have to. 

He was giving you materials after all. But you didn't complain. You took it happily. Because truthfully you'd used most of your savings on a certain hieroglyphic statue you found on ebay. You'd spent the better part of your time researching the strange markings.

So when you saw the ad for an item that matched the inscriptions you found, it was almost like destiny. You had everything set up ready to go.

With the scrap metal that you put together, you had constructed a small radio transmitter. Your hope was that it would be able to send out signals on the frequency that you'd cracked over the airwaves when that attack occurred in mission city.

This was it, you could feel it.

Your only regret is that Sam and Bee weren't here to share the experience. They both seemed busy that afternoon and it felt personal. You didn't want to pry. With his father's condition, the last thing you wanted to do was nag him.

You decided that you would just share your findings with them.

Placing the sphere statue down next to your radio, you began hooking up the cords and everything you needed on the small stand. When it was all centered, you grin, pulling the small lever. It flickered a few times. When the radio turned on, you could hear the scrambling frequencies.

The machine sparked and when you saw the beacon shoot up into the sky, your eyes grew wide as you smiled.


You could barely believe it.

You spent the majority of your allowance to get that artifact off ebay, and now you could prove everything. Because the symbols that flashed into the sky were unlike anything you'd ever seen.

"I DID IT!!"

You did a happy cheer. It was all going according to plan, that's until the blaring alarm went off. You flinched, pressing your hand to your ears.

"W-What the hell!"

For some reason it was spazzing out now. Gritting your teeth you moved closed to turn the lever off on the panel. But the second your hand touched the radio, a spark of blue shot out from the rocky artifact as it crumbled. The surge of energy sent you pivoting backwards into the ground. You gasped at the collison and the light immediately turned off. The artifact was nothing but a pile of dust now and your face fell.

You scrambled to your feet.

"No, no, no, dammit!!"

You rushed to the radio to reprogram it but it was completely fried.


Seven hundred dollars in savings down the drain just like that. You couldn't believe it. You really thought that you'd made it this time.

As if the night couldn't get any worse, the lights in the junkyard flash once before they went completely out.

"Great...just great!!"

How were you supposed to explain this to John?

"It looks like I found something interesting."

The chilling voice behind you made you flinch, and when you felt the tremor of the ground, and the figure that seemed to grow in size behind the darkness, your heart all but stopped. A pair of red glowing eyes flashed in the darkness, and you froze, unable to move an inch. 

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