Chapter 9

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"Can I help you?"

This person was not someone you knew. He looked about your age with dark eyes and similar dark hair. He was dressed in a red shirt with dark jeans. The little writing on his clothing read Laserbeak. 

A brand you weren't exactly familiar with.

"I'm Daniel Beak."

There was something menacing about his energy. Maybe you were just imagining it.

"I moved in down the street and I was just getting acquainted with my neighbors." Your grandmother caught the ending of that conversation.

"A new friend, why don't you stay for dinner!"


She obviously hadn't seen an episode of criminal minds.

"Oh relax sweetheart he's new. Remember how put out you were when you first came. Please come in."

He offered a smile and you moved to the side to let him in. As you're about to close the door, your eyes catch a figure down the road. He was just standing there. When your eyes connected with Bee's sapphire ones, you felt a harsh throb in your chest. 

He looked so hurt, devastated. From his slightly disheveled look it was clear that he'd run all the way from who knows where. You held a gaze for a few moments, right before your eyes lowered and you turned your back, closing the door.


Dinner continued without a hitch. You would have been thankful for the company of a new friend if not for the serious energy you were getting from this boy. As an aspiring scientist the only thing you could really depend on outside of science was your gut. It never really steered you wrong. After all, you did find the aliens.

That's why as you smiled and joked with Daniel, you kept a close eye on him.

Maybe it was just paranoia. You had just survived a terrifying attack.

As the sun began to set, you cleaned the table, and your grandmother held a plate for Daniel to take home.

"Please stop by again. We love the company."

He nodded.

"Thank you for having me. I guess I'll be heading out. "

"Wait Daniel, do you mind if I walk you back?"

He looks eager.

"Of course not, thank you." 

His smile was wide, and you waved to your grandmother as you exited the house.

"So what brought you all the way to Los Angeles. It must be lonely living on your own."

"I enjoy the solitude, no parents to tell you what to do. I was fortunate to get independence at my age. I pretty much take care of myself."

You walk in step with him, trying to get something, anything that would point to why you felt unnerved around this stranger who appeared harmless. It dawned on you that maybe you should have grabbed something to defend yourself in case he turned out to be a psycho.

He lived a few blocks down, and when he turned in the gate, you stood there.

"Well I guess I'll see you at school." You place the most convincing smile on your face that you can. He returns it, hand brushing your arm. You don't think much of it.

"See you later (Y/N)."

You nod a bit awkwardly watching him enter the house. When he's out of sight, you turn around heading back.

You only make it two steps before you feel a pull in your chest. Your feet stagger, and you look down at your hands in shock.

"What.. the hell.."

The blue glow that is reflected off your veins is not what you expect. Your heart rate increases and you pull down the sleeves of your sweater, running back to your house.

Daniel grins from his spot in the upstairs window.

"Let the games begin." 

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