Chapter 8

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The week that followed was hard.

Bumblebee did all he could, but you'd found a way to avoid him at every turn. The days he did run into you. You didn't bat an eye in his direction. You walked right past him in school hallways and sat the furthest from him in classes. Sam and Mickeala were receiving the same treatment.

He never thought it was possible to feel heartbreak when he physically didn't even have a heart.

Nothing felt the same and it was all his fault.

If he'd just said something you would not have activated that machine. You would have been safe that night and you would no doubt have protected his secret.

Every trip that they took, Bumblebee could not focus. It had gotten so bad that Optimus had no choice but to take him out of the field.

"I can fight!" Bumblebee insisted.

Optimus shook his head.

"You are distracted. We cannot afford a casualty. You need time, old friend."

He wanted to punch something. So he retreated to Sam's place. What else could he do? When he made it to Sam's house he wasn't even surprised to see them sitting on the porch. Both of them had their books out next to the table, but from their expressions, it was clear nothing was being done. Bee walked up the step, and Sam lifted his head.

"You're back?"

Bee nods, turning his head.

"Optimus said that I need a break. He won't let me back until I'm focused. "

Sam couldn't say that this was a surprise. Mickeala flipped through one of her books, and a flier fell out. Bee's brows knitted, and he picked up the paper. The information of the school dance printed with beautiful colors.

"We..were supposed to go together.."

He couldn't believe how quickly everything had fallen apart.

Bee crunched the paper into his palm, turning around and taking off down the street.


Sam yelled after him, and Mikaela merely shook her head. It was obvious where he was headed. Telling Bee to give you space would not discourage him. But they knew that you needed to sort through all of this. Your feelings, pain. It was their fault. Sam took full responsibility. All they could do was wait until you were ready to talk about it.


"Honey, would you like some pie?"

"No thanks grandma!"

You smile at her as you walk into the kitchen. When her eyes caught the sling on your shoulder you could see the visible worry.

"I'm okay grandma. It was my fault. I'm just glad John didn't fire me after I trashed his junkyard. "

"I keep telling you that playing around in that place alone is dangerous. You're lucky all you had was a dislocated shoulder. Oh what would your parents think if they saw you." She ran a hand through her hair and you just gave her one arm hug.

"They'd be overjoyed that you're still filling my tummy with delicious pies."

She huffed.

"Flattery will get you nowhere. I'm going to put this in the fridge." She held up the remainder of the pie and you pulled away after she left a kiss on your forehead.

"Are you still fighting with your friends. " The topic made your stomach twist.

"It's complicated. "

Your grandmother laughed.

"That's what us adults say when we don't want to deal with tough situations."

You were annoyed at how right she was. You didn't want to deal with it. Not at all.

"If you all really care about each other, you'll find a way to work it out."

She was right, of course she was.

"You know you're like a fortune cookie sometimes."

"A very youthful fortune cookie!" She called over her shoulder. You giggle, nodding in agreement. The knock at your door pulls your focus.

"I'll get it!"

You move towards the door, and when you open it, you don't expect the teen.

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