Arrive in Hell

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The scene start showing revealing to be Curse and Metal Sonic traveling together. They have been traveling dimension where Curse can be finally be not only home but a home where he feel safe, happy, and loved. After what happened with the landslide. Sonic been accused for Knuckles death. His friends including Tails hated. However Sally is the only person who doesn't believe it. As for Eggman, he retired of being the villain and start to use his technology to help Sonic. Until Sonic began to have a curse for some reason. And his curse cause Sally and Eggman death. Metal Sonic on the other hand is still alive. But before Eggman died. He give Sonic a some kind gun that can travel to another dimension. and also give him a credit card that transfer Millions dollar on the credit card. So now Metal Sonic and Curse Sonic are now traveling a new dimension where they could find a home for Cure. Metal Sonic and Curse right now in a dimension where they found themselves in a world where to be some kinds of woods. It mobius, it have their own Sonic, and his friends, including Sally Acorn. However Sally Acorn is robotize and now serving Doctor Eggman.

(Author note: "Do you know where they are now? I give you a clue. It from the comics.")

Curse wish he could help. But unfortunately he can't run anymore. Because after the landslide event it damage his legs badly. If he run even more, it will be worse. Not only that but also because of the curse. Everywhere he goes, Everywhere he goes into any dimension. The curse would be still with him no matter where he goes. He let out a big sigh.

Metal Sonic: "What wrong?" He asked.

Curse Sonic: "It.... It just that looking at myself. It like I'm looking at the mirror. I used to be a hero, a friend, and..... family." He said sadly.

Metal Sonic: "I know what happened that day but we have to keep moving forward. You can't let the past get to you. It wasn't your fault. I'm trying to help you to find a home where you can be safe, happy, and loved." He said trying to cheer him up.

Curse Sonic: "I know but when I look at myself. It like I'm a different hedgehog." He said.

Metal Sonic: "But you are still you." He said.

Metal Sonic then use the gun. The portal began to open. However the portal is red this time. Unlike other portal they travel it was the same color. But this one it different.

Curse Sonic: "Why the portal is red?" He asked.

Metal Sonic: "I don't know but get behind me. We don't know what is on the other side." He said.

Curse Sonic: "Uhhh?! Metal!" He said.

Metal Sonic then look at him. He saw Curse Sonic is being drag in.

Metal Sonic: "Curse!" He said.

He grab his hand. Holding him so he doesn't get suck in. However the portal was strong enough that metal is losing his balance. Now the two were suck into the portal. Then the scene change revealing to be a rooftop. And the portal began to open as Curse Sonic and Metal Sonic.

Metal Sonic: "Ugh, What was that? Hey, Sonic are you okay?" he asked.

Curse Sonic: "Yeah, I'm fine." He said.

Metal Sonic: "Where are we?" he asked.

Curse Sonic then got up. As he to up he discover something shocking. He notice that there is a pentagram in the sky.

Curse Sonic: "You want to take a look up." he said.

Metal Sonic got confused what he meant until he look and saw the Pentagram.

Metal Sonic: "I know where we are." he said.

Curse Sonic: "Where?" he asked.

Metal Sonic: "We are in Hell." he said.

Curse Sonic become shock when hearing this. His body is starting to shiver and start to cry as black liquid coming out.

Metal Sonic: "Hey don't cry, we going to be alright. Remember I'm your bodyguard." he said as he gives him a hug.

Curse Sonic is starting to clam down as he hug him back. After a few seconds they began to let go.

Metal Sonic: "Alright, now let use the-

But he was cut off as the two became shock. Metal Sonic just pull out the portal gun. However it got damage. It must got damage from they land.

Metal Sonic: "This is not good." he said.

Curse Sonic: "Does this mean we stuck?" he asked.

Metal Sonic: "No, I know there is another way. But for right now I don't know yet. So right now we must at least find shelter." He said.

Curse Sonic: "Where we could find shelter? Because if we in Hell then that means it full of demons. And I know they wouldn't let us stay." He said disappointed.

Metal Sonic: "Hey don't say that. If we another dimension, then some of them have to be good. I mean Hell have other dimensions we never seen before. This one could be different." he said.

Curse Sonic: "I hope you're right about this." he said.

Then Metal Sonic began to carry Curse Sonic. As he began to fly up and began to search for a place to stay.

Too be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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