1 -- New friends?

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Narrator Pov:

[Name] can feel themselves being shaken and slowly starts to wake up to see a blob of white.

"Who..?" [Name] says kind of sluggishly and rubs their eyes to see clearer

"[Name]! Come on wake up already we're going to be late!" The blob says in a panicked tone, who is now known to be as Daisy as she continues to shake [Name]

"Wait what!?" [Name] quickly throws the blanket off of them and runs to the bathroom to brush their teeth quickly

"I'll wait for you outside!" Daisy says quietly snickering as she leaves the room

"Okay!" [Name] yells back, as they finish brushing they're teeth and quickly throw on their clothes 'thank goodness I got my clothes ready last night' [Name] says to their self

Once they finish that they quickly put on their shoes and rush out the room grabbing whatever they need like their phone ect. And rushes out the house sprinting while on the sidewalk towards the school

"Come on Daisy we're gonna be late!" [Name] manages to blurt out while running

"No we're not." Daisy says calmly following after them

"What do you mean, you said we were?" [Name] stops in their tracks and faces Daisy

"I just said that so you wouldn't take as long to get ready." Daisy says trying not to laugh but failing. She walks past [Name] who was in disbelief

"Wha- so I had a mini heart attack for nothing!" [Name] says walking a bit faster to catch up with Daisy

"I wouldn't say for nothing, atleast we actually won't be late."

"Ughh, I could be in bed right now. I didn't even eat!" [Name] complained the whole way while Daisy giggled at them

[Name] pov:

We finally made to school and I was listening to Daisy talk as we were walking on the sidewalk when she stopped talking

"Hm?" I turn to Daisy as she greets a blonde peached haired kid, who was with three other people while, still walking

"Goodmorning Jake." Daisy greeted to the kid now knowned as Jake while walking past him

"M-morning Daisy!" He managed to stutter out as his face turned a shade of pink I quietly chuckle at his face while walking past him with Daisy

"Is he your friend?" I ask Daisy and look back to see the other three boys teasing Jake

"Yep!" She said popping the 'p'

We make it to our lockers, they weren't too far apart from another and I zone out for a little then face Daisy

"You know the music club?" I ask her, shutting my locker and walking next to her

"Yeah I do why? Oh! Are you planning to join them!" She says a little excited

"Uh I'm not sure, maybe I'll drop by sometime and check it out. I don't know"

"You really should, I'm sure you'll love it! And there's a competition coming up." Daisy then closes her locker and starts walking to class while I follow behind her

"Hmm...you know what I'll check it out after school. So you don't have to wait for me, okay?"

"Okay!" She smiles and walks off to class and I do the same

New People....New Friends? [Tmf x reader insert] [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now