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The clouds in the sky crossed over completely blocking the moonlight. On the bridge between Utnapishtim and Gehenna, the cameras in the helicopters focused on the verbal sparring between Makoto, Rio and Nagisa. The representatives of both factions walked alone to near the boundary that the Gehenna president had imposed. They had been arguing for quite some time. The girls present felt as if they were gossiping.

''How can you be so stubborn? Why don't you understand the gravity of the situation?''

''All I know is that it's my time to shine.''

''Like when you teamed up with Arius Squad?''

Makoto's smile faded.

''I admit that was a blunder, but it won't happen again.''

''If you don't learn from mistakes, you'll live making the same mistake over and over again.''

''I don't make mistakes.''

''You admitted a moment ago that you screwed up with Arius!''

''The problem is, if you make this mistake, it will be very serious and not only for Gehenna, all of Kivotos will be affected.''

''If it's so important, why keep it so secret?''

''Can't you understand something so simple? We don't want to cause panic, besides, it would be more dangerous for information to leak out that we know there are impostors among us. It is better to be careful with every step we take.''

''I think you want to see my stupid face.''

''We don't need to trick you to see that face.''

Makoto's brow furrowed. The president turned her back on them.

With the wind epically lifting her coat as she walked away, Makoto signaled them to say whatever they pleased, for they already knew what would happen if they dared to cross the line.

Rio drew her pistol. She looked at Makoto's head.

''What are you doing?'' Nagisa exclaimed.

''An hour and a half has passed and we still haven't heard anything about him. Things might get worse. Without someone to give orders we could advance to the academy without any problems. Of course, they may not all agree to do nothing, but for a moment, their forces will be divided....''

''Iroha and Hina are not unreasonable like Makoto.'' Nagisa also drew her gun. ''Maybe we can settle this.''

''On the count of three.''



A whistling sound caught the attention of those present on the bridge. An object was ascending through the sky like a shooting star. They all stood still. There was nothing they could do. The tail of one of the helicopters was destroyed by a missile. The tail rotor hung motionless from the craft. The helicopter began spinning and hurtling toward the bridge out of control. Inside the vehicle, the pilot struggled to stabilize the aircraft. The camerawoman was ejected from the helicopter and fell into the river. The reporter was crying, immobilized by the centrifugal force, saying she did not want to die. The scene was so unreal. Makoto began to feel pounding in her chest and the sound of her heartbeat in her ears as she saw the ship coming towards her. As if in disbelief her feet took short steps, but the more the airship descended, the faster they moved. She turned around. She ran as fast as she could, yet she knew that, if she kept going straight, that would be the end of her. The helicopter crashed nose first into the bridge. Wrapped in a ball of fire, the propellers shattered as they hit the asphalt. A couple of bridge suspenders were severed and pieces of propellers flew all over the place. Rio and Nagisa dropped to the ground. Their surroundings were on fire. Only the crackling of fire could be heard over the flammable materials in the wreckage of the helicopter. Nagisa dropped to her knees. The heat from the flames of the sinister attack was hitting her face and the rest of her body. She could not believe her eyes. Rio sat up and before she could say anything, the president of Trinity, ran towards what was left of the airship. Rio went after her trying to stop her, as it was dangerous in many ways. A bullet went through the flames and hit Nagisa's chest. Iroha reacted to the sound of the gun.

''Who fired! Who ordered them to?!'' shouted the red hair furiously at the tank.

''They tried to kill Makoto and they killed those girls in the helicopter!'' Shouted one of Gehenna's uniformed women.

Another soldier fired.


A couple more students joined the attack. Rio and Nagisa stepped back.

''Don't shoot. Makoto's right-hand woman shouted, unable to make herself heard.

Soon the Gehenna Academy platoons were advancing with the sound of their guns discharging ammunition. The Millenium president and Trinity ran for cover from the lead rain and counterattacked with their own weapons.

''There are no more options left..." Said Rio.

Givingthe signal, Hasumi gave the order to attack. The war had begun.

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