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The whole office shook. They all fell to the floor.

''Mutsuki, stop with your surprises!''

''I didn't do it!''

The building shook again. Whatever was creating the tremors was coming from outside. From the building came out, together with Sensei, a group of colorful girls with pieces of colored foam on their clothes and hair to see what was happening. Problem Solver 68's home was being attacked with bazookas by robotic black market guards. The black market agent who had been attacked by Haruka was there behind the guards ordering them to trash the place.

''You'll pay for everything you've done!'' The android shouted, ''You'll pay for taking the books and the pyroxene.

''That wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tried to swindle us out of our pay!''

''You're lowlifes who can't do a job right! You're not entitled to a paycheck or anything! Attack! Attack!''

The building was bombed again. The girls and Sensei walked away from there. Inside the building, the light was gone. The attack stopped for a moment. Hoshino staggered out of the darkness.

''Uehehe... That's no way to treat the building where a little granny like me rests..." said Hoshino under the door frame.

''We'll smash the place and everyone in it!''

Hoshino frowned. He walked towards them slowly. The guards pointed their guns at the small pink-haired student. The president of the Foreclosure Task Force club didn't look worried in the least. She stretched out her right arm and said:

''By command 25-17, I will carry out my terrible revenge on them to reprimand them for what they have done against me and, when this happens, then they will know that I am Takanashi Hoshino.''

Hoshino's shotgun materialized in her hand.

''Shoot...!'' Said the black market agent.

''Cover me!''

A couple of shots took down a couple of guards before the attack against her began. Aru had hit them with her rifle. Hoshino went on the offensive. In the blink of an eye four guards had fallen from her attack. The pink-haired girl had become the target of a portion of the robo-guards. Sensei commanded Nonomi and Shiroko to lend support along with Aru.

''Hoshino is trying to make her way to the black market bastard.'' The three girls did as they were ordered. ''The rest of you prevent the rest of them from attacking the building.''

Sensei entered the building to look for the Shittim Chest, but there was too much foam. He could not find it. He couldn't see anything.

Hoshino didn't look like herself. She was smashing whatever was in front of her with the agility of a professional gymnast. Robotic limbs flew through the air. The black market agent was trembling, but he wasn't about to back down.

''Hurry up with the reinforcements!''

Someone had targeted Hoshino. A loud bang silenced everything for a moment. The hearts of the Abydos students stopped for a second. The cannonball was going to hit the lazy pink-haired girl. However, Hoshino was not someone to be taken so lightly. The Foreclosure Task Force chairwoman summoned her shield. The bullet was deflected, but the price of that was hurting her arm as well as being shot a few meters in the opposite direction. Tanks and a larger number of guards were arriving on the scene.

''Sensei, what are your orders?''

There was no answer.


''He's not...''

''What do we do?''

''Make-Up Work club, let's take care of the tanks. The rest of the Problem Solver girls, support us with backup guards. Gourmet girls, defend the building at all costs. Ayane-san, help me assist the injured and if anyone has enough time, find Sensei.''

Haruna shouted to leave that last task to her.

That area mainly occupied by warehouses in an industrial zone had become a small war camp. The girls could handle them, but without someone who could guide them through the chaos it was difficult. Inside the building, Sensei was desperately searching for the Shittim Chest.

''Sensei, Sensei! Haruna's voice was calling him, "We need you...''

''I'm sorry, I can't do anything until I find the Shittim Chest.''

''What do you want it for? If you want, I can lend you my cell phone. So you can give directions to the Gehenna girls..." Haruna held out her hand with the cell phone in it.

''If it were that simple, I'd better use mine. I have the contact for all of you. It is the Shittim Chest that allows me to communicate with you in the middle of the battle because it connects to the frequency emitted by your halos... By the way, where is my cell phone?''

''What are you talking about?''

''It was on the table before Mustsuki blew up the balloons...''

''Are you sure?''

''Yes... They both hear something go 'Crack'.''

Sensei's face went pale. He didn't want to bend down to see what had made that sound, but time was pressing. He stirred up a pile of foam until he found his cell phone. The screen of it was unusable.

The sound of sirens began to be heard above the gunfire and explosions.

''It's the Valkyrie Police! We have to go!'' Junko shouted.

''What? No, please don't!" begged Aru, "If you leave, they will wreck the building and we will have to pay all the repairs to the landlord.

''I'm sorry, my dear Aru, but we are in enough trouble already.''

''Please don't go!''

''You just have to hold on until Hoshino arrives at the agent.''

''B-but... Dammit! Haruna, get out of there, you should be out here knocking down tin cans instead of wasting your time in there.''

''Tin cans?!'' Some of the robo-guards said.

The machines' attack became more aggressive.

''Why did you have to insult them?''

''That was very rude!''

Akari and Izumi scolded Junko.

''They're just pieces of wire and metal!''

''Look what you've done! One of them has started crying!''

''Like I careeee!!!!!'' The angry red-haired woman pulled out her other rifle to shoot like crazy. Her patience had burst.

On top of the building, on the rooftop, Sensei was trying to catch his breath. Crawling over, he approached the edge to take in the combat scene.

''Soon the Prefect Team will be here too.'' Said Haruna looking at her cell phone.

''So... Already... Someone... posted... What's... going... on... 'ere...''

''Are you All right?''

''Just... Just give me a minute...'' Sensei took a long breath of air. ''Hoshino is close to the agent, but... they're too many guards against her... It'll take her a while to get past them even using her shield and Hanako and Ayane's support...'' Sensei's eyes moved around the ground looking for the best path to the despicable black market business android. ''There! Haruna, shoot that guard and then the ones to the left of her. Cover her until she can get out of there.'' The silver-haired chairwoman complied with the order to the letter, "Okay, now help Hoshino. We can leave the rest in Haruka's hands.

Thefate of the battle had already been decided. Though Sensei had not consideredone small detail. From behind the black market agent, Haruka appeared. She shothim mercilessly until he was knocked unconscious. That meant that, if there wasno one to give the order to stop, they would not stop.

Blue Archive - White Day (Volume 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant