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One by one the girls in the cell were to present their testimony and be processed. Hoshino, Nonomi and Hanako were punished with community service and Aru, not only received the same punishment, but also had a rather large fine added to her for the damage in that area. Last but not least, Sensei was called in. He entered a small, well-lit room with a single entrance, a table and three chairs. Inside the room there were already two Valkyrie Police students standing waiting for him. Sensei did not know either of them.

''Good morning! My name is Haru.''

''And mine, Natsu.''

''We will be taking your testimony about what happened last night in the warehouse area of the industrial area. First of all, could you give us your name?''

He gave them his name, as well as his occupation.

''Ah, so you are the sensei of S.C.H.AL.E. Can you confirm it with an identification?''

''Well... I don't have any of that with me at the moment...'' They gave him a cold stare, ''I swear I'm the sensei. Have you ever seen anyone like me?''

''Well, since you mention it... I haven't and you?''

''Neither have I...''

''You see!''

''Ok... Can you prove that you are human?'' He was asked with a chuckle.

''It must be a joke.''

While Sensei was being questioned, several students all around Kivotos wondered if Sensei really had someone special in his life and those who didn't doubt that he did, wondered if that person was really Kurodate Haruna. Nagisa was one of those who pondered about that possibility by reading the newspaper at the same time Mika and Seia were arguing.

''Haruna?!'' Mika said aloud, "It's impossible. Why her?''

''Do you have to have a reason to love someone?'' Seia replied.

''I-I don't think so... but...''

''But if it exists, that would be called interest. 'Love' and 'interest' are two very different words.''

''I know... But Sensei... It was like Sensei belonged to all of us... He belongs to all of us... He can't be with just one...

''How much falsehood there is in those words. I'm sure you'd like Sensei to see no one but you.''

''So-what about that?... It's better to see him alone than to see him with someone else...''

''I have to say, that's a pretty disgusting thought,'' said Seia with a frown, ''That idea that someone doesn't have the freedom to do what they prefer just to please others out of a feeling of pure selfishness is despicable.''

Mika was hurt. She had said something without thinking. She knew Seia was right, yet she couldn't help but feel upset and sad. It was as if an illusion had been shattered. As if she was watching a dream become totally impossible. The leader of the Pater faction bit her lips to avoid spitting all her anger on her companion.

''I agree with you, Seia...'' Nagisa said. Those words only increased the burning in Mika's chest, ''But I can't totally disagree with Mika's way of thinking. Sensei is not an ordinary person.''

''He's no different from you or me. He has rights just like any other person in Kivotos.''

''I could say that I completely agree with you except that you are wrong in one detail.''

''What do you mean?''

''If we look at it from a sentimental point of view, it is illogical to try to prevent Sensei from deciding who to be with because there is nothing that connects us to him. Even if we feel something for him, if he does not feel anything for us, it would be despicable to interfere in his desires by force. The only one who would be fortunate enough to enjoy being by his side would be the one he chooses. However, his title of 'sensei' does not give him that freedom.''

''You mean to say that a simple title is enough to take away or give value to a person? To dehumanize him?''

''That's right.'' Seia was stunned to hear Nagisa make such a statement coldly. ''His sensei title makes him connected to all of us. It gives him a duty to all of us.''

''Even if he is a sensei, he has the right to choose...''

''It's not like that. That very title gives him power over all of Kivotos. It makes him a resource that we can all access, so if we were to let him get carried away by his emotions and decide to be with someone, it would be like allowing someone to monopolize that resource.''

''I understand the value of Sensei as a crucial force in Kivotos, but that doesn't take away his rights. He exists first as a human being and then as a sensei. He has the right to choose what to do.''

''I disagree. He has been given a duty to which he must respond. If he wants to betray his duties, he must first cease to be sensei.''

''You are asking Sensei to be a machine. One which would be no different than the machines we use to watch Blu-rays in our classes.''

''I think you're overreacting a bit.''

''Overreacting? Wouldn't you call it overreacting to believe that Sensei would give up everything for one person?''

''That's exactly what happened with the incubus bacteria.''

Theatmosphere was tense. Mika had cringed at the loud exchange of ideas betweenher two companions. She could understand both of them, though from her feelings,the one she supported was Nagisa.

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