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1 P.M. The wind was a lulling and cool caress that refreshed under the warmth of the sun's rays. A sensation as soothing as the one he felt from under his head. A softness only comparable to a cloud. A hand like silk passed softly through the strands of his hair. He half-opened his eyes; everything looked cloudy. The sunlight did not let him see well. Although it was undoubtedly the blue sky what he could see. He moved his head to see where he was. Against the light, he noticed someone's face. He doubted if what he saw was real. That short moment in which only the song of the wind was the only thing that could be heard, a peace filled him from his chest.

''What do I see? An angel?'' Sensei tried to touch the face of the angel he thought he saw, ''Have I arrived in paradise?''

She let him caress her cheek.

''I am. Although there are many people are willing to say otherwise.''

Sensei's eyes cleared. The serene face of the president of the Gourmet Research Society Club's chairwoman, stroking her cheek against his hand, was what he saw.


''Gokigenyou, Sensei.''

Sensei tried to sit up, but the immediate change of position made his head ache. More specifically where the bump was visible, right where he had hit his head. Haruna held him. She asked him to be careful.

''W-where am I?''

''In Gehenna academy.''

''At Gehenna? Why am I here?''

''Don't you remember?''

''I feel like my head is spinning and it hurts when I try to think.''

''Well... Don't you know what today's date is?''

''Date?'' It could be seen on his face that he was having trouble remembering.

''You promised me you would spend today with me. As we were coming up here, I tripped. You tried to keep me from getting hurt, but you hit your head.''

Sensei touched his bump while listening carefully to Haruna.

''I see... Are you all right?''

''I'm ok. And you? Does it hurt too much?''

''I think I'll be fine...''

Sensei stood up. The view from the slope behind the Gehenna academy was beautiful. Sensei stood gawking at it until his stomach demanded food. The growl was such that Sensei doubled over.

''I feel like I haven't eaten anything since the day before yesterday.''

''How about we go eat at a stall not far from the academy something called 'Panchos'?''

''Sounds good. Shall we go?''

''Yes...'' Haruna tried to stand up, but her legs failed her. She fell into a sitting position.

Sensei hurried towards her. With a wave of his hand she let him know she was fine.

''Give me a couple of minutes. My legs fell asleep.''

Haruna walked down the slope with the help of sensei holding his hand. He was afraid she might fall and hurt herself.

''I feel like I should be in the S.C.H.A.L.E. tower... Are you sure I promised to spend this day with you?''


''By the way, how long was I unconscious?''

''How long?... N-not long...

Haruna wasn't going to tell him that he was unconscious almost since the night before and that when he was about to wake up, at a very inconvenient time for her and her club mates, Izumi panicked and gave her another blow on the head so he wouldn't wake up.

They both went to the food stand for the 'panchos'. The silver-haired girl was disappointed to see that the famous 'panchos' were hot dogs. Sensei tried hard to prevent the place from being destroyed, but the fate of the place was sealed by trying to sell an already known food under another name just to attract more attention (according to Haruna's logic).

Harunasaw to it that Sensei had a good afternoon, that his mind was not distracted bysubjects other than him and her. She made sure that he had fun playing,studying, walking, talking and destroying one or another food stand... She wasin charge of doing all that while the Pandemonium Society club prepared thestudents of the academy for an armed encounter against a great part of theschools of Kivotos.

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