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March 12. 1:00 A.M. Haruna was leaning on her arms against the window frame of her bedroom. In one of her hands she held the sky-blue notebook. Her eyes gazed at the clear sky and the stars that filled it. Her mind was turning over a possibility that distressed her and an idea that excited her as much as it would depress her if it went wrong. The door to her bedroom opened. Through it entered the professional eating contestant. In her hands she carried a plate full of fried chicken. Her companion's entrance did not disturb Haruna's mood, but it did disturb her stomach. She inhaled deeply and then sighed.

''Are you crying, or are you really hungry?'' Akari to Haruna's side.

''Fuuka took care of making the fried chicken for dinner, didn't she?''

''I guess you could say that most of them she did... What's bothering you?''

The silver-haired student looked at the plate. She carefully chose the piece of chicken she would put in her mouth.

''Seriously, do you think it's possible that Sensei... has someone?''

''He is very friendly with many students, but he is undoubtedly very close to a few,'' Akari took the chicken wing she would eat.

''Akari... What's the tastiest thing you've ever tasted?''

The blonde student crossed her arms to think about it. Haruna took another wing.

''Mm... it's hard to choose one... What do you say?''

''You know my favorite food is taiyaki...''

''Uju, I know.''

''I've tasted many varieties of taiyaki, but... None like the one I ate with Sensei while we were walking down the street...''

Akari leaned her head against the wall. With a smile and without saying a word she watched as Haruna recounted her culinary experience at Sensei's side.

''The same thing happened to me with ramen when we did the tea ceremony... I wish I could eat delicacies like that every day. However... If..." The club president's eyes saddened.

''I think it's been a long time since I've seen you like this.''

Haruna took another piece of chicken without paying attention to which one she was taking.

''You're not going to sit on your hands, or am I wrong?''

The silver-haired girl, with chicken in her mouth, shook her head.

''This is going to get interesting,'' Haruna's old friend said with a smile.

The door was flung open. Junko was walking in next to Izumi. The little red-haired girl was fuming over a comment made by Shiromi, Iori, the Prefect Team's field captain.

The news that a restaurant had blown up in the skies in the middle of the night had already spread, as well as become a trend in Chirper.

While Izumi and Junko were on their way to Haruna's room, the girls overheard the conversation of a couple of cadets from the disciplinary committee. They were saying that the Gourmet Research Society club had probably blown up the restaurant, as well as calling them a bad image for the Gehenna district. Those words annoyed the freshman student of the foodie club who went to complain about the accusations without proof. At that moment, the cinnamon-skinned girl from the Prefect Team appeared. Iori was doing her guard duty that morning, she mercilessly told Junko that the Gourmet Research Society club was nothing more than a terrorist club and that she didn't need evidence to believe that they had caused trouble in that restaurant because the evidence of all their previous misdeeds was enough.

''It is unfair, unfair, unfair. It's unfair to say that we blew up the restaurant,'' said Junko with a chicken leg in his mouth.

''But we did blow it up,'' Akari replied.

''B-but it wasn't for fun!''

''It was basically for fun. We needed fireworks for Aru's birthday.''

''Whatever! What bothered me the most is that they said we're a bad image of Gehenna.''

''That's true!'' Izumi took the chocolate chicken burger out of her mouth, "President Makoto has gone out of her way to make Gehenna a bad image of Kivotos.''

The other three girls couldn't help but agree with her.

''Ah," Junko shouted angrily, "Iori published in Chirper what she told me.''

''Really?'' Akari borrowed the phone from her angry kouhai, ''Oh! We're trending on Chirper.''

''Really?'' ''Asked Haruna, ''It seems our efforts have paid off.''

''Exactly, what efforts?''

''Iori just shared an image posted on the Prefect Team account indicating the incidents caused in the last month by academy students.''

''How many were caused by us?''

''Mm... Seventeen. Haruna is in first place with seven, I'm in second with five, Izumi has three and the last place is Junko with two... Junko, you have to try harder.''

The freshman questioned if they were still a Gourmet club.

''Seventeen... We're getting rusty.''

''Apparently Iori finally got proof that it was us. She shared a picture of us at the restaurant.''

''I'm sure it was one of the diners who left when we arrived who provided her with the picture.''

''Nope," said Akari showing the picture, "She shared it from Haruka's profile.''

The picture said happy birthday Aru-sama. In one of the lower corners of the picture you could see the forehead and eyes of the Problem Solver 68 intern and in the rest of the picture, the whole Gourmet Research Society club together with Aru and Mutsuki. The posting had been made a couple of hours earlier.

''Why didn't she delete the image after we fled because of the explosion!''

Akari was looking at her cell phone when she saw something that took her by surprise. She raised her face to look at everyone and with a smile told them that Valkyrie Police Academy, General Student Council, Kazemaki Mai, Kronos School Of Journalims... They are some of the ones who had just liked the image. Haruna stood up.

''Don't worry. The bureaucracy is in our favor. Being an incident caused outside of Gehenna, the jurisdiction to stop us belongs to Valkyrie.''

''You think so?'' Said Akari with her eyes on the cell phone, "This woman spends a lot of time in Chirper.'' She showed her the cell phone screen.

The gray-haired girl with pigtails had shared an image a couple of blocks outside Gehenna's residence building with a message that read:

''On my way to arrest some criminals. All for #PeaceandOrderinKivotos @ValkyriePoliceAcademy @PrefectTeam.''

''Looks like we'll have a few nights on the run,'' said Haruna adjusting her hair with a smile, ''but if they're going to go after us, I'll make sure it's for a very good reason!''

''They already have a very good reason," Junko told her.

''Remember our motto!'' Said the president, ignoring what the little red-haired girl had said, "Eat or Die!'' They all took a bite of the chicken in their hands.

As one, all of them except for Izumi, spat out the chicken made by Juri.

''Get everything we need and let's go!''

''Quick!Where is Fuuka?!''

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