11. starbucks lovers

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At Starbucks, Lucia orders the iced matcha latte from yesterday and a grilled cheese for me, while she opts for a pumpkin spice latte that matches the fall spirit with an iced lemon loaf. She covers the payment for us, saying that she had invited me and therefore she had to pay.

I could never argue with something like that.

"I'll take care of you today," she had said, which had me smiling widely like an idiot.

No one has ever said anything like that to me.

I pick out a table for us in the back corner of the cafe, hidden away from most people. Lucia was right, it's the cutest Starbucks ever. It's got the right study-inspo aesthetic, and it's huge. It's also kind of loud, which makes me worry about my ability to study successfully here.

I take out my computer, placing it on the freshly cleaned fake marble table. I watch Lucia as she waits for the order, and I laugh when I spot her subtly dancing to Blank Space, a Taylor Swift tune that features a commonly misheard lyric, "Starbucks lovers." I'll admit that I never heard that but so many other people did, and it's fitting for it to play here.

I've gotten more insight into another thing Lucia does when she thinks no one's noticing. Is it wrong to look? She stops moving when a person comes up behind her to take one of their orders at the counter, and then opts for just mindlessly shaking her head to the beat of the song. I notice she's also tapping her Doc Marten's on the wooden flooring.

She doesn't even have to try to be cute, she just is. Her outfit for today is another cute and effortless one that I'm just purely jealous of. I just don't understand how she manages to look good in everything.

Her maroon headband matches the maroon overall dress she has on, a black turtleneck and another set of gold rings finishing the look. I watch as she touches her golden hoops, which are back for today. When she finally sits across from me at our table with orders in hand, I notice that some makeup is also back.

I wonder what she thinks of my outfit, a yellow cable knit sweater that I had just bought at the mall with light blue mom jeans and black Vans. I had gone with Uma after dinner yesterday, and somehow found one that looked similar to the orange one she had complimented me on. Uma had asked me why the hell I was buying the same sweater twice. Another small fortune that I know is worth it.

I even have on concealer today, something I wonder if she even notices. I look down at the singular silver ring on my left ring finger, another impulsive purchase from yesterday.

"Here's your order. Trust me, you'll love the latte!" She declares excitedly.

I take it from her, and place it next to my laptop. I start working on a paper I have due for my Latin America history course, but feel a pair of questioning eyes on me. I look up, and Lucia seems to be waiting for me to do something.

I realize that she wants me to drink it already, so I do. A rush of sweet and comforting liquid comes through, and I think I'm a fan. I don't always have to stick to the same thing as always, it's good to try new things.

"Well, have I converted you into a latte enjoyer?"

"I didn't think I would like it, but I do. You've converted me."

"Happy to hear that," she says before setting up her own computer and getting started on whatever work she has.

"What are you working on?" I decide to ask curiously.

"An essay for my final course to finish up my minor! I'm lucky that the majority of my classes from my other school transferred here, I thought I would have to start over the minor."

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