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FrostedSnout's paws shook as he spoke to QuillStar. Her emotions seemed to be bubbling up all at once.

"BatClaw?" QuillStar asked, he could sense her fury that rose. Her fur bristled at the thought.

FrostedSnout nodded slowly, his ears pinned against his head as the she-cat spoke.

"Where is SwanFeather, get her for me, will you?" She asked, surprisingly calm.

He hurriedly stood up and rushed out into the main medicine den. The scent of bitter herbs flooded over him and he grimaced. He never enjoyed that scent. SwanFeather wasn't in the crowded den, although many sick cats were. He felt bad for the She-cat.

He left the den, the scent of herbs mixed with the fresh air outside the den. FrostedSnout glanced around, sitting under the shelter of the nursery was SwanFeather, talking to the old queen TurtleDusk.

He didn't want to interrupt their conversation so he sat a few fox-lengths away and waited. He could briefly make out words of the conversation. "I'm sorry." He heard SwanFeather murmur to the distressed queen. She shifted her paws in the soft grass of the den.

"Dead?" TurtleDusk asked in her raspy voice.
SwanFeather nodded her head. Who is dead? He wondered with a shiver.

"Oh, FrostedSnout! Come, come! What do you need?" SwanFeather asked suddenly, throwing him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, if your busy—" he started.

"No. You tell me what you need." She interrupted sternly.

"QuillStar wants you." He said finally. His paws scuffing the dirt.

"Oh." She murmured something to the old queen before standing up and heading into the medicine den. He mouthed "Sorry.." to the old she-cat before turning and following.

Again, the bitter scent of herbs flowed through him as he followed her into the den, making his eyes water slightly but he shook his head.

"Yes, QuillStar?" SwanFeather asked, sitting down with a slight look of wariness.

"You saw BatClaw?" QuillStar hissed with a horrified face. He lashed his talk, his ears falling to the side of his head.

He was about to leave when QuillStar beckoned him forward from his spot by the entrance of the small den with a small flick of her tail before turning her attention once again to the medicine cat.

"You saw BatClaw and didn't bother to tell me?" The leader growled angrily. He saw SwanFeather shrink back slowly with a small nod. QuillStar spat at this.

"When I was asleep I saw BatClaw too." She growled, SwanFeather lifted her head at this.

"What do you think it means?" SwanFeather asked, he knew it was the medicine cats job to figure out prophecies and messages from starclan, but it seemed like she genuinely did not know what this meant.

"I'm not sure, but we will keep an extra eye out for signs from now on." QuillStar shook herself, bits of dirt flying from her pelt.

"Of course." SwanFeather said quickly, was she scared by the leader? Was there something SwanFeather wasn't telling them?

FrostedSnout shivered, if they medicine cat was keeping secrets from them, what was it about?

I'm overthinking. He told himself with a twitch of his ear. QuillStar flicked her tail for them to leave, which he did. The leader would need time to recover from her coma.

Grey rain clouds covered the clearing as he walked out, leaving the leader to think.

He sat down in the clearing, smoothing out his fur with a few licks of his tongue. "Why hello, FrostedSnout, or should I say FrostedStar?" He lifted his head, fur bristling as he recognized BlackDove and RoseClaw.

"No, just FrostedSnout." He growled, returning his attention to himself.

"Oh, QuillStars awake then? Not dead?" RoseClaw asked, narrowing her eyes.

"QuillStar is very well alive." He snapped. BlackDoves fur bristled at the sudden outburst. He twitched his ears, glaring at the two.

"No need to get all hostile!" RoseClaw meowed, smoothing her fur.

"Why would you assume that I killed her?" He hissed.

"Your a rouge." BlackDove remarked with a horrible grin. "Rouges are ferocious felines that shouldn't ever be accepted into a clan." She continued. "Let alone become deputy."

He felt his blood boil with hatred towards the she-cats. "Excuse me?" He snarled, sheathing and unsheathing his claws with fury.

"You heard me." BlackDove continued to groom her fur. "You shouldn't be here."

RoseClaw hesitated before nodding, perhaps she thought her friend was going to far? She still stood up for her friend though. Any trust he had in them before now gone.

With a snarl he stood up, lashing his tail before trotting out of the camp with rage. He heard the two cats snicker to each other and he pinned his ears. Maybe I don't belong? No, it was just those two who didn't. His clan needed him, just a small walk wouldn't do any harm.

Or I could leave for good...

QuillClan //The curse  of Stars and No Stars.Where stories live. Discover now