SwanFeathers return.

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Everything was silent, dead silent. QuillStar felt a shiver down her spine as she hopped up onto the ClanRock. Glaring towards the exit of the camp. SwanFeather and a patrol of SnowClan cats barged in. QuillStar yowled for her clan, growling at the newcomers.

SwanFeathers head was dipped, tail dragging uselessly on the ground. QuillStar walked up to the SnowClan leader, SnowStar. "What are you doing here?" QuillStar snarled, flicking her tail for SwanFeather to get away from them. She did.

"Your medicine cat, was caught on our territory." SnowStar growled hostility. "We've come to being her back, although, I would like to speak with you in private." FrostedSnout stepped up, ears pinned towards the SnowClan patrol.

"QuillStar, I don't think we should trust them." He growled, tail lashing slightly.

"I agree," QuillStar murmured back at her deputy, glancing back as her clan watched from afar, a few warriors trotting up.

"Follow me." She said to SnowStar, flicking her tail for her deputy to follow. SwanFeather made her way into the medicine den.

SnowStar followed her into the leaders den, sitting down beside the nest. "Well what is it? What is so important that you have to come all the way here?" QuillStar asked, FrostedSnout taking a seat beside her.

"SnowClan is suffering the same 'illness' your clan is." SnowStar said, sitting tall as she sifted through the moss with her paws.

QuillStar thought about this for a moment, nodding for the leader to continue. She assumed her warriors were outside the den, listening closely.

"I also have noticed that starclan hasn't been speaking lately, we used to receive signs that they were still here, now we've gotten nothing."

SwanFeather didn't tell her about the prophecy. QuillStar realized and shook away her thoughts. "I see." She said calmly.

"How can you be so unconcerned about this?!" SnowStar growled, standing up with a huff. Tail lashing. FrostedSnout stood too, but she herself, stayed calm.

"I am not concerned, as we have done nothing to anger our ancestors. Starclan has not left us, SnowStar." QuillStar spoke with confidence, thinking back to her dreams.

"Your clan is as birdbrained as we all though." SnowStar growled, storming out of the den, QuillStar followed, close behind her was FrostedSnout.

"I'll have a few warriors escort you out of our territory." She said, glancing to TurtleStep, DaffodilFall, and RainStorm. "You, escort them out of our territory. Make sure they don't do anything before they get out of the sight of our boarder." They all nodded and began to walk the warriors out of the camp.

QuillStar sighed, shaking out her fur as she trotted to the medicine den. SwanFeather was sorting through herbs nervously, paws shaking as she did so. She didn't even realize QuillStar had entered in the den until she sat beside her.

"Oh, hello QuillStar." SwanFeather said, dropping dock leaves onto the floor and scrabbling to pick them up. QuillStar helped, sitting in silence for a bit.

"SwanFeather, how did SnowClan find you?" She asked after a moment. SwanFeather sighed deeply.

"I was trying to visit the Meeting Place.. they caught me and took me prisoner.. we talked, and I noticed their infected with the illness, much worse than our clan." SwanFeather said quickly. Her head drooping

"I see..." QuillStar said, thinking about her mothers reaction the the disease. "What about starclan? Did they mention them?" She asked.

"SnowStar mentioned how they left the forest. How they left us." SwanFeather said bitterly, her paws fiddling with herbs. "You don't think she is right, do you?"

"No, of course not." QuillStar assured her.

But that dream... did starclan really leave us?

QuillClan //The curse  of Stars and No Stars.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora