chapter 3

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Aisha pov

As we were going upstairs mom and dad stopped us and asked us three to sit down and told us that they have something important to tell us . Just then Anaya's mom throwed the bomb on us.

Anaya pov

We were just sitting when mom told us that they have got a marriage proposal from the Raghuvanshi's for us three to marry the three heirs . And we were shocked as hell how could it happen so early we don't want to marry this early and ritika is still not ready for it she is still immature and a child.

Ritika pov

I could not handle the shock and busted out on our parents. Sorry mom,dad and uncle aunty but we can not marry this early we are just so young. I know I am a brat and I know nothing but these two still have there dreams to achieve and many other things in their life.

Mr&Mrs Arora pov

What are you saying ritika its the correct age for you guys. You think both of your siblings married at this age only then why can't you. Plus you can not talk to us like that. Is this the way we should talk to elders no right. Say sorry to your uncle and aunty right now.

Aisha's dad

Its not necessary my friend. Well you think Aisha does not want to marry anyone then why don't you ask her yourself. I will also not interfere in your talk. Go ask her yourself ritika.

Anaya's dad

Yes he is right go forward and ask to Anaya also ritika so you can stay assured that we are not forcing you guys. We just asked your opinions if they say no you say no too but if they say yes you also have to say yes. It's a deal ritika do you accept it or not.

Anaya pov

No dad you can not do this deal with her. She is just a child and doesn't know about the family responsibilities. Let her live her life happily she can marry later guys it's not like she or us may die if we don't marry them.

Ritika pov

I accept the deal uncle and I know they will say no to the marriage. I am hundred percent Sure about my bestfriend's. So Anaya what is your answer .

Anaya pov

Offcourse I have my few dreams and ambitions which are still not fulfilled. So, it's a complete no from my side. And I am sure it's same with Aisha also am I right.

Ritika pov

I slowly took my steps towards Aisha as she was sitting emotionless on the couch and now I was scared about her answer. I finally gathered my courage and asked Aisha about her opinion and what she said made me and Anaya shocked as hell.

Aisha pov

I was scared that if I say no mom and dad will get disappointed and if I say yes than my bestfriend will be disappointed but finally I said yes to make my parents happy both the girls
Were shocked from my decesion but what could I basically do I had to say yes. And left from there towards my room and cried my heart out

The three father's pov

So , as Aisha said yes to the marriage proposal you both have to marry one of the Raghuvanshi heir like Aisha.
As you lost the bet we made and now go sleep next week it's your roka ceremony. We will tell Mrs . RAGHUVANSHI about are answer so she can proceed with the arrangements for the functions that will take place in future. So we shall leave Mr& Mrs Arora and Rajawat said and took Anaya and ritika with them.

At Raghuvanshi Mansion

Veeranshu pov

What are you saying dadi. How could you send a proposal for our weeding to someone without our consent and you are saying that next week we have roka ceremony as they said yes for the proposal.

Rudra pov

This morning dadi throwed a bomb on us about our weeding and all. And right now we are frustrated that what will happen next week in our roka ceremony and who are the girls we are going to marry. As dadi said we will meet them on the day of our roka ceremony.

Shivay pov

I am very stressed as we have to complete my pending files plus dadi also said that we have to take a leave on one day before our roka ceremony and the day we have the roka so we can select clothes for us . That's why I have more work to complete in 5 days . Oh god where are we stuck.


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