In Summer

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Carmen's POV

"My name is Regina George, and in case you're keeping score..." I sang softly as I grabbed eyeliner and added it to my eyes.

"Oh my god, when is EJ gonna get here?" Carlos said, looking out the window again.

"Katie may have won the battle, but I will win the war." I sang louder.

"Absolutely glowing, but now is not the time." Carlos said.

"You really need to chill." I advised, swapping my eyeliner with mascara and finishing up my makeup. "kay, now I want him to get here soon too."

A car horn beeped outside our house.

"Oh my god, I have superpowers." I gasped dramatically.

"Wow, you're like Elsa from Frozen." Carlos said as we started walking towards the door.

"Nah, I'm definitely more of an Ana." I corrected "And you my, encantador hermano, are Olaf!"

"How dare you." he said.

I pushed the door open to see EJ, Ash and Kourtney in EJ's car.

"Hey!" Ash and Kourtney yelled.

"heyo westerburg! Tell me what's that sound!" I sang, walking towards the car and tossing my bag in the trunk before climbing into the back seat.

"Now we just gotta grab Gina." Ash said.


"Let's go let's go!" EJ said as Gina climbed into the passenger seat "Last one in's a rotten egg. And that is no yolk."

I groaned in emotional pain, and rested my head on Kourtney's seat in front of mine.

"I know honey, I know. Be strong." Kourtney said, grabbing my hand.

"He's on a dad joke kick because he's taking us all on a road trip." Ashlyn explained.

"that is completely wrong, and i have just one question." EJ said "What's orange and sounds like a parrot?"

"Killy killy, no survivors." I whispered.

"A carrot!" EJ laughed.

"EJ, I must warn you, I have concealed a small knife in your head." I said, earning laughs from Kourt and Carlos.

"Haha. Hilarious." EJ said, reaching over and pushing my hat over my eyes "Anyway, just for a final headcount, who's not here?"

"Big Red's gotta work." Ash said.

"Sebbie's gotta milk." Carlos said. I patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"Nini's with her moms." Kourtney finished.

"And Ricky's with-" Carlos started.

I blasted my airhorn.

"We don't talk about that hoe, no no no." I sang.

"Why do you have that airhorn?" Kourtney asked in concern.

"Bears." i said simply.

"Not gonna ask." Carlos said.

"Good idea. And, if you want to talk about the one we do not speak of, you can just call her the female Lucius Malfoy." I informed him.

"Lucius?" Kourtney questioned.

"Draco's hot. love a bad boy." I explained.

"And why are we going to the world's greatest camp?" EJ asked.

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