Part 10: Battle in the Goblin Village

Start from the beginning

'Ugh, I never even said anything cool.' He thought with a small pink tint on his cheeks.

"Well, first, lead us to your injured." Shiraori said and they were guided infront a big hut.

Inside many goblins are laying down with injuries and bandages in their head, torso, arms, chest and legs.

The two masters looked at the goblins in pity, the wounds looked so deep and serious.

Shiraori went close to a goblin as she observes his wounds.

'His wounds looked so deep and it looks like a claw and fang marks.' Shiraori thought looking at the unconscious goblins' chest that was wrapped in bandage but blood was seen on it.

The elder goblin started syaing, "We've treated them as best as we can."

Rimuru went beside Shiraori as he also took a look at the goblins' injuries.

'These cuts are deeper than I expected. Their claws and fangs can do this?' Rimuru thought.

"Well, we better helped them then."
Shiraori said as she activated her skill, <Divine Healing> as the goblin infront of them was absorbed in a pink fog before disappearing and healing the goblins' injuries, completely.

The healed goblin woke up frantically and started checking his body for any signs of injuries but there was none.

"Oh! Yo-Your wounds-!" The elder exclaimed shocked and stunned.

"They're healed!"

Everyone was surprised and amazed at Shiraori's skill, even her subordinates were amazed since they didn't know that Shiraori has a skill like that but they knew that Shiraori can do anything.

The goblins were relieved and happy that they chose the right masters to serve.

"I wanna try something too." Rimuru went beside another goblin as he swallowed the goblin whole making everyone surprised but Shiraori was curious on what he is doing.

"Rimuru-sama, what are you-" The elder wasn't able to finish his sentence as Rimuru spits out the goblin who now has all of injuries healed.

'Wow, I guess its that easy. It's surprisingly effective to just ingest him and toss a bunch of the potions in my body at him! These potions are really potent!' Rimuru thought as starts healing the other goblins with Shiraori.

Terraria also decided to help out as she doesn't want her master to do all the work.

A couple of vines came out of the ground beside some of the injured goblins and the goblins were surprised and was ready to attack but Tyrant told them to watch.

The vines then wrapped the injured goblins into a cocoon before they start glowing and disappearing, revealing the goblins with no injuries.

"Yo-you truly are great and powerful." The elder, his son and the other goblins bowed to the ground towards them, showing their appreciation.

'That's it for their injured now. Then...'

"Build a fence! We're gonna strengthen the village's defenses!" Shiraori ordered with authority and conviction and the goblins nodded.

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