he on tour and you miss him

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Y/N sighed, it felt like an eternity since Niall had gone on tour. It had been close to three months and the thought of not being able to see him in person made her heart ache. As an independent woman, she was strong and knew that she could do anything she wanted without Niall by her side. But still, the longing she felt for him was almost too much to bear.

No matter what she did, it didn't make her feel any better. She spent hours on the phone talking to him, but it wasn't the same as seeing him in person. She had written him many letters and sent presents, but the only thing she really wanted was to be by his side, and that seemed completely impossible.

Days turned into weeks and the loneliness she felt only seemed to intensify. But Y/N tried her best to stay focused, thinking about the day Niall would come home and the happy reunion they would have.

Finally, the day arrived. Niall returned home and Y/N greeted him with open arms. Nothing could compare to the feeling of being in his arms again and being able to kiss him and tell him how much she had missed him.

No words could express the joy she felt. Even though the time felt endless, she was grateful for the time they were apart because it only made the reunion so much sweeter. Y/N and Niall were together again and it felt like nothing else in the world mattered.

Niall and Lewis short stories Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora