how you met

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Y/N had been living in the city for a couple of months now. She had moved here for a new job and was trying to find her place in the fast city life. One day, after a long day of work, she decided to grab a bite at a local café. As she was waiting for her order, Y/N noticed a handsome man in the corner of the café.

Shyly, she went over and introduced herself. His name was Lewis, and he was also new in town. They began talking, and it quickly became clear that they had a lot in common and shared a similar outlook on life. Before Y/N knew it, they were planning a night out together.

That night turned out to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. They quickly fell in love and one year later they were engaged. Lewis had proposed in the very same café where they first met, and Y/N couldn't have been happier.

Y/N and Lewis' love story showed her that life in the big city could be just as magical and romantic as anywhere else. Even if it took a little bit of luck and a lot of conversations just to find it.

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