he writes a song about you

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The night sky was clear and the stars shone bright above as Niall strummed his guitar. He had been playing every night, lost in his own world, trying to make sense of the feelings stirring inside him. His fingers moved across the strings as he crafted a new melody--one he just knew would capture his true emotions.

He began to sing about a love that was so powerful and real. He prayed that this way his feelings would never go unheard. His words were relentless and they held a devastating yet beautiful truth.

Niall sang of a love so strong and pure, for one special girl who held his heart for sure. He described the way her laughter filled the room and the way she made his heart light up like a balloon. He sang of finding solace in her when his world was crashing all around him, and how no one else could ever measure up.

He finished the song and looked up at the stars, feeling a sense of peace washing over him. For in some way, the girl he sang of had been set free from his heavy heart. Niall wanted the world to know of his unconditional love for Y/N. It was a love song he was certain would last forever.

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