first date

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Niall nervously tapped his thumb against the table as he awaited the arrival of y/n. She had agreed to a first date with him, and he was both excited and scared. Nothing intimidated him like a first date, and the fact that y/n was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen only made it more nerve-wracking.

When she finally arrived, Niall was awestruck. She was wearing a lovely navy blue dress with a white flower print and her hair was perfectly styled. She smiled as she approached the table, and Niall was suddenly filled with a sense of calm.

"Hi," y/n said, extending her hand.

Niall shook her hand and smiled back. "Hi there. It's nice to meet you."

They settled in and began to chat. It was clear that the two of them had a lot in common, and Niall quickly found himself feeling more and more at ease. They laughed and joked, and even talked about some of their aspirations and dreams. As the night progressed, Niall felt as if he had known y/n for years.

When the date finally came to an end, Niall couldn't believe how fast the time had flown. He asked y/n if she'd like to go out again sometime, and to his delight she said yes.

"I had a really great time," y/n said as they said their goodbyes.

Niall smiled. "Me too. I'd love to take you out again sometime."

Y/N blushed and nodded.

As y/n walked away, Niall couldn't help but feel that he had found something special that night. He had a feeling that this first date was just the beginning of something much bigger.

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