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Sooyoung and the others are now sitting in the shady tall tree, Sooyoung was still shaken up, I mean who would think that she can actually jump that high!

Mo-tak was still dumbfounded, Hana was trying to observe, while Mun just stared at Sooyoung like, a goddess.

Mrs. Chuu then walks up to them to stop the Counters on gawking at Sooyoung, who is uncomfortable under their criticism and curiosity that is obviously showing in their eyes.

Sooyoung then smiled reluctantly at Mrs. Chuu for her consideration, the Counters then snapped back at the state they're in.

"U-uhm, then we should go to the store, since we still have to privately discuss things." Mo-tak then smiled at Sooyoung, then turns to Mun.

"Mun let's go, we have to talk." Then they go back to the car, making the others follow the two.

Sooyoung was confused, what do they need to talk about that they have to hide it, so tight. Well Sooyoung doesn't dwell on the thought, since it's not her business and curiosity kills a cat.

Hana seats in the back left of the window, Mo-tak was driving, Mrs. Chuu seating beside Mo-tak, while Sooyoung is seated at the right window, meaning Mun was seated between the two girls, who are obviously introverted and are not that good at conversations.

Sooyoung, then notice that she was not in the car but a place that is white that can blind you.

"Sooyoung? Why are you here?" An old woman calls Sooyoung with a, Boy who was in his earliest 30, same with the girl and with a boy.

"What? Where's this? Sorry It must've been a misunderstanding." Sooyoung then proceeded to explain how she doesn't know what's happening, and hope that they have the answer.

Sooyoung then met all of the partners of the Counters, she talked to them more about the jump, the Yung Is in chaos about. She said she doesn't know that she can jump like that.

Sooyoung then wake up when the car stopped, and the Counters are preparing to get down.

They then walked to the Noodles store, and they started talking about they will train Sooyoung, but then Sooyoung started to doze off, giving the Counters a cute sight, about the trying to wake up Sooyoung but is absolutely failing.

"Sooyoung is so cutee." Mrs. Chu cooed at Sooyoung.

Making the other Counters to agree. Sooyoung feels shy, as she was never good at receiving compliments, bit is still thankful for it.

Sooyoung now, preparing to fetch her siblings, going out of the noodles store, Mo-tak and Mun, suggested that they'll give her a ride, but Sooyoung insisted that she can go by herself and the noodle shop was actually close to her siblings school.

Mo-tak and Mun was convinced then walk Sooyoung out of the store.

Sooyoung now walk into the familiar, peaceful yet full of crimes country.

Sooyoung was appreciating the nature, and the fresh air that she inhaled.

After a long peaceful walk, she now arrived at her siblings school, which she spotted her siblings waiting at the bench near the fountain.

Hey cuties!.

I absolutely forgot that Wednesday is when I'll update!

It's quite short 'cause I'm busy, but
I PROMISE REALLY PROMISE next time I update it'll be long, so wait patiently.

The next I update will probably Friday of next week.

Bye Cuties!

Power Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora