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Chwe Sooyoung, never thought that accidents might occur in this night. Sooyoung was in her part time job doing whatever she was doing, but suddenly, suspicious guys walked in, she just spares them a glance.

When suddenly a man pulled out a gun, and next thing she knew, all people in the store already ducked. The guys suddenly walked over to her.

"Yah!! Take out the cash, faster!" Chwe Sooyoung was startled, she quickly takes out the cash, even though she was unwilling, she had to. She had siblings to take care of, they cant do anything without her. Even though they made money, it's still not enough for them, so she needs to be safe, to protect her only family.

"Here!" Chwe Sooyoung bought out all the cash.

The guys pulled her rather harshly and pushed her to the people who got they belongings stolen too. Then a little boy suddenly rushed out and hit the guys. The guys pulled out a gun to kill the little boy.

Sooyoung suddenly thought of her brothers, she was unwilling to make the child suffer. She rushed out to protect the child, when the gun fired, instead of hitting the little boy, Sooyoung was the one who got hit.

"Urgh!" Sooyoung spat a mouthful of blood and then look at the crying child, she then held out her hand to wipe the boys tears.

Sooyoung missed her siblings, she just hoped that they will be safe, never did she hit them, if they did bad things she carefully tried to, explain to them what they did wrong. Now she's not sure if they'll be safe, she wished that if she died no one will hit her babies.

The police barged in, always late as ever. Then arrest the guys, while ambulances came in, taking the one who was hurt including her.


"Migo! I'm sorry that I have to die here!" A woman who was trying to run, from an evil spirit? That's right an evil spirit.

"Nari! It's not your fault! Let's go to our territory. I'm sure you'll be fine." The man named Migo, told her partner Nari that she's gonna be ok.

Well, she's not. After he said that she died. Both of them suddenly run out of breath, including the girl named Nari. How was that possible, it's not possible that she's a spirit too.

Then they got sucked to that, energy it's so terrifying since it's so strong. Last thing they knew they're in the body of the girl.

Eonnie's noodle

"Mun, we have to go." Hana said, as they need to help their friend Nari and Migo.

"Noona! Wigen said that they're safe! But something strange happened!" Mun said as he quickened his walking to matched up with the group.

"What did they say?" Mrs. Chu asked, her anxiety growing larger in the second waiting for Mun's answer.

"They says that Nari Noona was sucked too." Mun said.

"That's not possible! She's not even a spirit!" Motak said, relieved that his friend Migo was safe, and their new addition was safe too, but confused.

"I don't know! Wigen just said that we should go there, as soon as possible!"



"What's really happening?" Mrs. Chu asked, clearly perplexed, of what's happening now.

"Noona, do you think the new member is strong too?" Mun asked Hana, That sentence of Mun, made Hana think of what would happen next.

"I don't know, even if they're strong that's still an advantage for us. I know that we'll get along so well." Hana said, so sure that with their new addition, they'll be unstoppable.

"How do you know that you guys will get along?" Mun said genuinely curious, I mean Hana opened up a bit to them.

"I just know." Hana answers.


"Ugh, where am I?" Sooyoung asked looking around, It's a fair? But with no people. The place that always full of people, and buzzing, are so silent, that even if you drop a pen, you'll be able to hear it.

"What Am I doing here?"

"Sooyoung? You're here." A man speaks, with a girl by his side.

"Who are you?"

"Do you want to be able to live and take care of your siblings?" A girl this time asked.

"Of course!" Sooyoung answered without hesitation.

"Then, be a counter." The man speaks.

"What? A counter?" Sooyoung asked dumbfounded, she didn't know how to react.

"A counter, come with us and we'll explain it to you." The man said.


Hi! I'm not supposed to upload this but someone commented, and I feel so happy, so I decided to upload it early! Anyways thank you for your comment I appreciate it, hopefully I do well, and I can meet your standards THANK YOUUU💙💙


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