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435 22 17

The Vault

They arrived in Langley, and had changed their clothes for disguises. Due to the group not caring about any consequences or confusion, Lorelai had no mask and no disguise. All that changed for her was that she had put on black jeans, plus a black leather jacket to cover her black t-shirt.

The plan was to set off the fire alarm in sector 21 to distract security, Ethan, Claire, and Krieger would be in firefighter suits, while Lorelai snuck in while they were distracted.

Lorelai was noticed by an IMF agent while around the corner of a hallway. "Motherfucker." She cursed.

The IMF agent kicked her forearm, so she broke his arm, and twisted it. "Ecli—" He started to yell out to warn others.

Lorelai knocked him out.

"Lorelai. What was that?" Ethan whispered through the ear piece.

"Oh, just introducing my fist to an IMF agent. It went very well." Lorelai answered.

"Just... don't kill anyone, and you can punch whoever you want." Ethan sighed.

"Does that mean I can punch you?" She wondered.

There was a brief pause. "No. No. You are not punching me."

"Fine," Lorelai looked around, "quick question, what am I supposed to be doing?" She questioned.

"Knocking people out, I guess." Ethan answered, also not sure.

"Works for me." Lorelai shrugged.

Ethan was currently crawling through the vents with Krieger, who Lorelai didn't trust.

"Check." Luther checked.

"Good. Okay, Luther, I'm going in. Everest, man. You ready to plant the flag?" Ethan said.

Lorelai heard a sneeze from Krieger.

"Krieger, from here on in, absolute silence." Ethan instructed.

Lorelai only heard silence.

"He's rolling to you." Luther told Ethan.

Lorelai turned the corner to see the man he was referring to. He was holding his chest, but pressed the button to the room leading into the vault.

"He's at the voiceprint corridor." Luther informed.

"William Donloe." The man told the scanner.

Lorelai smiled when he grunted in pain. She turned back to not be seen. "Good news. At least he's in pain. It might distract him for a second." Lorelai muttered.

"Outer room. He's coming in the vault." Luther added. "Come on, move."

Lorelai waited for any further words. Then she saw William enter the bathroom.

"He's in the bathroom." Luther informed.

"I could lock the door, or jam it." Lorelai suggested.

"Fine, just fiddle with the door a bit. Don't completely keep it stuck." Luther said in place of Ethan.

"Got it." Lorelai confirmed, slyly jamming the door underneath by moving the piece of wood to the side gap from the bottom.

Lorelai walked back to her position. "Door's jammed." Lorelai whispered.

"A-W-9... 6-B-6." Luther said. "Holy mother of God. The NOC list." Luther whispered.

Lorelai waited for William to come out of the bathroom, and he did. Then he ran back in again.

"Shit." Lorelai cursed, seeing William come out again, and this time, he had a stressed look on his face as went back into the vault.

"He's at the vault. Four yellows. One red. Get moving." Luther told Ethan. "Toast. Toast."


Then there was silence.

"Mission accomplished." Ethan mumbled afterwards, making Lorelai have to use any ounce of strength she had to not laugh.

She managed to sneak out before anyone else. She hopped in the truck before anyone else. "Hey, Luther." Lorelai greeted.

"Lorelai." Both disconnected from the ear pieces. "I appreciate you requesting I help with this." Luther genuinely said.

"Well, I owed you one for saving my ass from the last one." Lorelai reasoned, seated at the far right.

The other three climbed in, and Ethan took his seat to the left of Lorelai.

She looked at him, prompting him to look at her. "What?" He questioned.

"You said 'Mission Accomplished'. Out loud." Lorelai mocked.

"Considering what I just did, I think I have the right to say it." Ethan muttered.

Soon enough, they did end up in London.

In this chapter, we have Lorelai knocking a man out, and asking if she can punch Ethan

We love her

Okay, bye!

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