I nodded listening to her every word with all my focus. My mom never teach me these things she was too focused to the society . She just wanted to make us look perfect in front of society that she made like this.

I gulp pushing these thoughts back into my mind.

“ So... Will you teach me Maa? “  She smiled and nodded.

“ Of course I will teach you. Even Ahad would like if you cook because he always wanted a woman who can cook. Not because he wanted her as a servant but because he wanted to cook with her and spend sweet time with her. “

I slightly smiled. Ahad and sweet things. So unhealthy.

“ Let's get started then , I will start to learn from today “

I was decorating the wall as Maa said Ahad is coming with his cousin. So we will welcome them.

I was wearing beautiful orange long fork with full sleeves. It was given by Maa as she said I will look beautiful in this. And yes it so beautiful. My silver earrings were giving it a beautiful touch.

The heard the car stopping outside as I quickly cover the other park. They must have come in. I wiped my hands and walk towards the entrance area. My all focus was on my dupatta which was coming under my heels every moment. I did not pay attention and my heel betray me. I was ready to fall and feel pain. But rather I felt two strong arms around my waist and my hands over some hard chest. My eyes tightly shut. But then I heard.

“ So you welcome everyone like this or it's just me who is getting the special welcome “

I quickly opened my eyes as my eyes met his eyes who were looking at me like... Like I don't know.

I stand on my feet, running a stand over my dress. Before looking back towards him.
He was looking.... So unreal.... In black suit, well made hairs. I had to blink my eyes multiple times before I come back to this world.

“ No greetings Mrs Malik. Your husband came back after 2 weeks “ He look down towards me .
“ Oh sorry, how are you “ I asked as he nodded.
“ I am well. Come you should meet My cousin” 
“ Oh yes I forgot. Let's go “ I was about to walk when he stopped me by holding my hand. I down at our hand as warmness spread in my body.  His look in my eyes before saying.

“ Aap Achi Lag Rahi Haan “ ( you are looking good)  my heart skipped a beat as I look at him with my big eyes. My cheeks slowly turn pink . I gulp and pull my hand away.

“ T-thank you “ I said and run-walked from there. What's wrong with him and what's wrong with me.

“ Here came Ayesha “ Maa said smiling as I walked near her but as I turn to greet the cousin my smile fade away and turn into a horrified face.

“ Ayesha... He is Hamza my cousin “ Ahad said looking at me as i just stand there not knowing what to do. Why he is here?

“ Hey Bhabhi “ Hamza said with his smirk as he walk near me to shake my hand but I take a step back. Ahad frown as he wrap a hand around my back.

“ Hey Hamza “ I said gathering my courage. He is here for something. He will do something bad.

My breathing become fast, oh no not again.
Ahad look at me as he pull me closer to him.

“ Maa, me and ayesha are going to room. “ Ahad said before taking me towards the room.


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


We enter the room as I look towards her , she was breathing heavily . I made her sit on the bed as I brought her water.
“ Have some water and relax “

I watched as Ayesha's trembling hands struggled to hold the glass of water, her ragged breaths echoing in the room. Concern etched my features as I softly guided her to sit on the bed, my heart aching at the sight of her distress. She looked so fragile in that moment, her usually composed demeanor shattered.

"Ayesha, what happened?" I inquired gently, my voice laced with worry. I had never seen her like this before, and it worried me to no end. Her sudden unease was puzzling, and I wished I could do something to ease her discomfort.

Her response came in a whisper, "Nothing... It's just... I am a little tired." I could tell she was hiding something, her eyes avoiding mine, and my concern deepened.

I nodded slowly, though my instincts told me there was more to her distress than mere fatigue. "Alright, rest for a while," I suggested, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "I'll be here if you need anything."

Ayesha's insistence that she was fine didn't quite convince me, but I decided to give her some space. I took a step back, allowing her a moment to collect herself. My heart ached as I saw her struggle, her facade of strength faltering.

As she shifted on the bed, a delicate earring slipped from her ear and landed on the floor. Without a second thought, I bent down to retrieve it. Holding it in my hand, I approached her with a faint smile. "Here, your Jhumka," I said, offering it to her.

Her brow furrowed as she looked at me in confusion. "What Jhumka?" she questioned, and my heart skipped a beat. I showed her the earring, and she seemed to realize her oversight. Taking it from my hand, she delicately secured it back in place, her fingers brushing against her earlobe.

In that moment, as she wore the earring, I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. Her vulnerability had revealed a side of her, and I found myself drawn to her in a way I hadn't expected. The soft glow of the room illuminated her features, and I felt a surge of protectiveness wash over me.

As she settled back on the bed, a sense of understanding passed between us. I may not have known the exact cause of her panic, but I was determined to support her through whatever challenges she faced. In that moment, I realized that beneath our differences and the forced nature of our marriage, there was a connection forming—one that held the promise of something deeper and more profound.

But Ahad... You only love your flower don't you . Then how can you—

As today I got a text on my secret I'd ( bunny finding flower)  it's was my flower. I finally found her. We talked. Even though she is married to someone else and I am married to Ayesha still why can't I kill these feelings.

Ayesha is my responsibility. But somehow she.. did something to me. Like her scent in my room and ger laugh everything I missed .
I never missed something like this except my flower.

Author : Thank you guys for reading.
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