Chapter 10

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Asta's POV

We were flying towards the treasure room, with me still taking a few wrong turns along the way, but my main goal was Luck. We needed to find him as soon as possible and head to the treasure room. If we got lucky, we could get there first and deal with Mars with no harm done to anyone. But I was still a bit unnerved.

'What was that outburst earlier?' I thought to myself. 'I know Klaus is actually a nice guy, so why did I act like that?'

'Look, Asta. You're not from this timeline, you've seen every one of them die, and he insulted them to your face.' Liebe said.

'It's like your close relative dies, and after the funeral someone starts insulting them.'


I understood what Liebe meant. I nodded to myself, accepting that, while my outburst wasn't completely justified, I had my own reasons to react that way.

"By the way, Asta?"


"How are we supposed to find the treasure room? None of us can use tracking magic."

I smiled a bit when I felt Nero get up from my head, finally flying ahead of us and pointing at a tunnel.

"Seems like Nero knows the way." I told her.

We then went inside, with me hoping that the tunnel brings me closer to Luck as well.

With Luck, 3rd person POV

"You're so weak." Luck said, throwing a mage from the Diamond Kingdom to the ground.

"But I'm sure you're different." He looked at another mage that was sitting on a fallen wall.

The mage seemed to be in his late thirties. He had medium long black hair with a mustache and a goatee, which only covered his chin.

"Well, this isn't good." The man said, with a hand on his forehead and closed eyes. "Nothing good comes from raising the hurdle too high."

"Enthusiastic young power.." He started, turning to Luck. "Terrifying, really."

"You took my subordinates out in an instant." He finished, brushing his beard with his hand, while looking at the three unconscious mages on the ground. "You're pretty strong."

"Well, they're just subordinates." Laughed Luck. "But if you're their boss and you're strong, there's no problem."

"So you fight wrapped with your own lighting magic." The man noted, looking at Luck's boots that were made of his lightning magic. "Not only is it practical, but it seems pretty powerful as well. And you're fast, too."

"You're making the most out of your youthful strength." He continued. "You're making this old man shake in his pants."

"What kind of magic do you fight with?" Excitedly asked Luck.

"You seem rather enthusiastic." Noted the man.

"You Clover people are also after this dungeon's treasure chamber, aren't you?" He said as he got up and stretched.

"Come on, let's fight!" Luck's arm got coated with his lightning magic.

"Good grief." The man jumped down and started running away. "Actually, I'm pretty sure we don't have to fight. Let's just compete nonviolently! Yeah, great idea. Bye!"

"Nope!" Yelled Luck, dashing towards the man with a kick aimed at him.

"You're certainly fast!" The man said, moving his hand in front of him, creating smoke from his hand, making Luck fly straight through.

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