Chapter 6

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It's the next day. Asta was woken up very early due to nightmares again, but he was used to it by now. He just lay down on his bed with his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling. Eventually sleep managed to envelop him again.

Noelle's POV

I woke up a bit later than usual. It was something new to me, after all It was the first time I could actually sleep without nightmares of my siblings haunting me. I yawned and sat up on my bed. I didn't know what time It was, but I could see the sun was already up. I thought about going out to train again, but I wanted to wait for Asta. I've decided to ask him to train with me again. I say train, but it's more like him just helping me. When I walked out and went into the common area, I saw that there was no one there. I then headed towards the dining area and found everyone eating breakfast.

"Morning!" Greeted Asta.

"Morning." I said as I sat next to him. I don't know if it's because it was the only space left on that table, or I just wanted to be close to him.

I took a plate of food and dug in. 'There's nothing but meat for breakfast.' I thought, while looking at the food.

"Noelle, why aren't you helping me with the cleaning and stuff?" Asked Asta between bites.

I couldn't just say that I didn't know how to do it, so I decided to use my trump card.

"Cleaning? But I'm royalty."

"But you're still a newbie just like me!"

'Guess I can't just get away with saying that, huh?'

"I've never cleaned or done laundry in my life." I explained as I shrugged.

"Then, you'll just have to learn how to. I'm pretty sure you should be helping with that stuff regardless!"

"But I don't know how." I said in a quiet voice looking down.

Asta then came closer to me to the point that our shoulders were bumping with one another.

"You said something?"

"Eek!" I shouted embarrassed. "Don't come close like that! I'm royalty!"

"What does that matter? We're still in the same squad!"

"Shut up, you insect!"

Vanesa then started laughing.

"Aww, look at how cute you two are!"

"WHAAT?!" I got even more embarrassed.

"By the way, when do I get my first mission?" Asta decided to ask.

"Newbies usually get the first few days off." Answered Magna between bites. "So enjoy them while you can, cuz soon you'll get worked to death!"

"Ooooh, mine!" Yelled Luck as he grabbed a steak from Magna's plate.

"Oi, that was mine, you bastard!"

"Come and get it then!"

Magna then started chasing Luck around the cafeteria.

"They surely are lively first thing in the morning." Said Finral as he laughed nervously. Gordon then mumbled something but I couldn't understand anything. Charmy continued to munch on her food without a care in the world.

I started looking around a bit uncomfortable.

"Why'd you guys become Magic Knights?" Asked Asta.

"Because it's the manliest thing in the world!" Magna said as he and Luck went to sit down, their fight seemingly ended there.

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