Chapter 4

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Asta's POV

"Welcome to the absolute worst Magic Knights Squad, the Black Bulls." Said captain Yami. A bit of the forest was lit on fire due to one of Magna senpai's fireballs destroying the entrance to the base.

I smiled and decided to try and walk through the "entrance". The first thing I see is Magna and Luck fighting again, Vanesa passed out drunk on the couch in only in her underwear, Charmy paise eating, Grey being in her giant form puffing out smoke, and Gauche senpai watching his little sister sleeping through his mirror with blood coming out of his nose.

"Now I'm pissed!You'd better be prepared!" Yelled an angry Magna.

"I'm not... but let's do this!" Said an excited Luck.

"DIE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Magna then started barraging him with his fireballs, while Luck just dodged them with a smile on his face.

"What's all this ruckus?" Finally Vanesa woke up. "Ugh, I drank way too much. My head hurts."

"Keep it down, you morons!" Gauche yelled.

"I see they're at it again." Said Finral senpai a bit uncomfortable.

"They're at it again." Mumbled Gordon senpai.

I decided to just watch it all unfold. I can try and introduce myself again but right now no one will even hear me, so I just sit on the sidelines with Gordon senpai, Finral senpai and captain Yami.

"The pudding you were saving sure was delicious." Said Luck while laughing at Magna.

"That's going to be your last supper, you bastard!" Magna replied while increasing his speed and firing more fireballs.

"That's enough, you two!" And now Gauche senpai started yelling. "What if all this ruckus you're causing wakes up my little angel, you dumbasses?!"

"Shut it, you sis-con." Said Vanesa while holding her head. "Aw, my head. I remember starting a drinking contest with some old guy. Wonder if I won?"

Yup. Same old Black Bulls.

"This is for my pudding!" Magna then fired another fireball. It curved to me and Liebe had to merge 2 of his anti-magic shields in order to stop it from hitting. They didn't seem to notice us at all.

"Would you guys shut up?" Cried out Vanessa. "This is not helping my headache at all!"

"Shut up, you booze-swilling hussy!" Magna cursed her out.

"What'd you call me?!" Her headache seems to have completely disappeared now. "You dumb virgin delinquent!"

"Wh-wh-wh-who're you calling a virgin delinquent." Magna senpai got embarrassed.

"You know, if you look away I could kill you right?"

"Just try and kill me! Luck, you bastard!"

Magna and Luck continued chasing each other, destroying another part of a wall in the process. I saw that captain Yami was getting noticeably angry at this point and decided to move away a bit.

"You all...." He then lifted up his left hand and curled it into a fist. "Stop destroying everything!" He proceeded to hit the wall, completely destroying it.

Everyone stopped fighting. Then they all started swarming around captain Yami.

"Mister Yami, did anyone get too cocky with you? I'll kill them if they did!" Magna was pushed away by Luck asking the captain to spar with him. Vanesa then asked him to drink with her, Gauche to go see his sister and Charmy paise giving him a cupcake.

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