Chapter 7

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3rd person POV

After the fight, Asta was laying on a bed in the mayor's house. While Magna and Noelle were waiting for someone to come pick up Heath and the 2 men that were left behind, an anti-magic bird came out of Asta's robe. The bird flew out of the house, up into the sky. It seemed to be sitting in one place, flapping its wings while searching for something. The bird then felt mana coming from the mayor's house again. It flew towards the attic of the house, getting inside through a hole. From then, it began searching.

Asta's POV

I was floating in a void of darkness. It was neither inviting, nor repelling me, it was just there, existing.


No answer.

I tried calling out again, waiting for an answer sooner or later. I expected it to be the inside of my grimoire, making me believe Liebe was here as well. But to my surprise there was none else but me.

'How did I get here again?' I thought.

I remembered that we were fighting the ice mage and his subordinates, with me and Liebe defeating them. I didn't kill anyone though. I promised myself to kill as little as possible. After that, it felt like I used too much anti-magic. It was weird. I knew for a fact that I could fight stronger opponents for longer periods of time, with even more of my power active. So why did I get gassed out this quickly?

I felt myself getting sleepy, the void seemingly starting to invite me, telling me to rest for a bit. I succumbed to my own tiredness, in the warm embrace of endless darkness.

A few hours later, 3rd person POV

Magna and Noelle were outside, supervising the captured mages.

"Thank you for saving us!" All the villagers present thanked Noelle and Magna.

"Don't sweat it! It's our job after all!" Shouted Magna, thankful for the praise on the inside.

"Thanks, Miss Magic Knight!" Yelled a little girl, running to hug Noelle.

"I told you, didn't I?" Said Noelle as she crouched down and patted the little girl on the head. "I'll protect all of you."

"Mhm!" The little girl gave a wide smile and ran back to her mother.

They saw Asta walking out of the mayor's house.

"Oi, Rasta!" Magna then waved his hand. "Don't fall asleep right after the battle next time! You're missing out on the praise here!"

"Bakasta..." Noelle asked, worried. "Are you okay?"

"Never been better!" He shouted to ease her worry. "Seems like I just overdid it. Had to sleep for a bit."

"Good." She started and blushed. "But next time don't fall asleep on me, okay?"

"Oh, don't act like it was that bad." Asta answered with a smile.

"By the way, Magna senpai. What happened to the old man?" Asta decided to ask, worried he might've been too late again.

"He should be alright." Answered Magna with a small smile. "Someone managed to patch him up enough so he doesn't die from the blood he lost. He's resting up now."

Heath then began waking up. He started looking around, assessing the situation he was in.

"You finally awake, you jerk?" Magna pointed at him. "I'm going to rest a bit more and escort you to the royal capital on my Crazy Cyclone."

"Spend the rest of your lives atoning for what you did to those villagers, you bastards." He said angrily.

Heath sighed looking up at Asta,Noelle and Magna, the last one holding Heath's grimoire in their hand.

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