"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted, grabbing the pan and putting it back on the counter. My dog was furious, and Justin grabbed my shirt, using me as a human shield.

I was surprised he turned to me for protection when I was the one threatening him. I guess football players are just that dumb.

"Charlie, sit!" He relaxed, sat down, and started wagging his tail cheerfully.

I looked at Justin in the eye — we were the same height, I smiled, but then he seemed to realize what was happening. He released my shirt with his hands and shoving me away.

"Are you an idiot?"

"First, this better be the last time you try to attack my dog. Second..." As I looked at him, I felt something I never thought I'd feel, but I don't want to say. "Don't ever insult me again or we're going to have problems."

His expression was strange. His eyes were glued to my face, but then they moved down to my chest, incapable of holding my stare.

I stepped back. My breathing had sped up, but I had no idea why. I'd had enough of him for one day, and I'd only known him for five minutes. But it also felt like forever.

"It would be best if we got along, little brother," I said, turning my back, grabbing my sandwich off the counter, and heading for the door.

"I am not your brother, so don't call me that," he replied. He said it with so much hate, that I stopped to look at him again. His eyes were shining with determination, and I knew he was no happier than I was about our parents being together. The one and only thing we will ever have in common.

"Well, we agree about one thing then... little brother," I repeated, rolling my eyes and enjoying watching his hands clench into fists.

Just then, I heard laughter behind me. I turned and found myself face-to-face with my father... and that lady he calls wife.

"I see you've met." my father said, entering the kitchen and smiling from ear to ear. It had been a long time since I'd seen him smile in that way, and honestly, I was happy to see it and happy to know he was rebuilding his life. Even though he'd left something behind on the way: me.

Kensley smiled at me gently from the door, and I forced myself to smile. That was all that woman would get. It wasn't her fault, I just couldn't manage anything more.

My father and I didn't have an affectionate relationship, or much of a relationship at all, but I had been completely in agreement with his building that wall that separated us from the outside world. What had happened with my mother had left its mark on both of us, especially me. I was her son, and I had to watch her leave without looking back.

Since then, I didn't trust women, I didn't care about them, and all that mattered to me was sex and having a good time with them at parties. What else should I want?

"Justin have you met Charlie?" Kensley asked her son, who was still standing by the counter not trying to hide his bad mood.

Then Justin did something I didn't expect. He walked forward, crouched down, and started calling Charlie.

"Charlie, come here, boy." He seemed gentle, friendly. And brave — I had to give him that. Just a second ago he was trembling before the same animal in fear. It was adorable.

I expected him to go rat me out to his mom because he looks like a snitch, but he didn't.

Charlie walked over wagging his tail. He turned to me and then to him and must have realized something wasn't right. My attitude was so serious even he couldn't overlook it.

Tail between his legs, he came and sat down beside Justin. I was flustered.

"Good boy," Justin congratulated him with a big smile.

I looked at Justin and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm going to bed," I announced. I was really getting ready to go to a party on the beach.

Just as I made it past the doorframe, Dad stopped me.

"The four of us are going out to dinner tonight," he said, focusing his attention on me.


"Dad, I'm sorry, but I really am tired..."

"This is going to be our first dinner as a family, and I want you both to be there," my father said, interrupting me. Standing next to Charlie, Justin blew out all the air in his lungs.

"Can't we make it tomorrow?" He said.

"Sorry, but we have a business party tomorrow," my father responded.

Just the mere thought of getting away from here, the new people bought into my life, especially Justin made me want that party now.

"Justin, we're going out to dinner together, period, no more discussion," Kensley said, bringing the conversation to a close.

I decided it would be best to give in this time.
I'd have dinner with them, and then I'd go to my friend Katie's... my special friend Katie's. Then the two of us would go to the party.

"Give me half an hour to shower," I said, pointing to my sweaty clothes.

My father nodded with satisfaction, his wife smiled, and I realized I was being the responsible child that night... or so I was making them believe.

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