A Sick Superstar is never good - (Randy Orton)

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"Sarah!" Randy shouted from the bedroom

Sarah sighed and walked to the door again, peeking inside at her boyfriend who was curled up in a mountain of blankets, head raised on 2 or 3 pillows, a box of tissues on the bedside cabinet along with numerous glasses of water.

"What can I get you sweetie?" She smiled comfortingly

"Can you get me some of that vapo stuff?" Randy coughed, groaning as the pain in chest subsided, he hated being sick, pretty much because he wasn't used to getting sick.

Sarah giggled, "You mean the vapo rub?" Randy nodded

"Yeah that one" He sniffed

"Okay two seconds" Sarah disappeared into the bathroom, grabbed the tub of vapo rub and walked back into the room. She took the blankets off him and opened the lid

"Shirt off"

"But its cold" Randy whined

"It's not cold Randy, it's boiling. You have a fever. Shirt off"

"I don't wanna"

"So you don't want the rub then?"

"I do"

"Then shirt off"


"Then no rub"

"But why?!"

"You won't take your shirt off Randy!" Sarah sighed, she didn't know how many times she had this argument with him, having a sick Randy Orton was not good, he didn't know how to handle himself whenever he was sick, although this time Sarah didn't pass it off as just having a 'man flu', his fever was way past normal, his eyes were bloodshot and he couldn't stop sneezing or coughing.

Randy had the flu.

"Can I have the rub? Please?" Randy pouted

"You need to take your shirt off Randy, it'll only be cold for a minute or two until I can put this on you" Sarah smiled sympathetically, relief flooding her system as he finally took his shirt off

"Now, lay down" He followed that instruction easily enough

"This is going to be a little bit cool" Sarah dipped her fingers into the gel and smoothed it onto Randy's chest, she had to hold in a giggle as he shuddered

"Told you it was cool"

"Shut up" He muttered, Sarah rolling her eyes

Randy took a deep breath and sighed as the fumes from the rub filled his nose, unblocking them ever so slightly so that he could breath a little bit better, he looked up at Sarah and smiled

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Oh I know" Sarah grinned, draping the blankets back over him and sticking the TV on

"Maybe when I'm better I could be the Doctor and you could be the patient?" Randy smirked, sniffling slightly

Sarah blushed and rolled her eyes a little, "Maybe" She giggled, finding the right channel for RAW

"Hold on" Sarah disappeared and ran to the kitchen, coming back to their room with a tray.

"I have some homemade chicken noodle soup for you, along with some crackers. My Mom used to give them to me when I was a kid, it helped a lot" Sarah smiled, seperating her snacks from his.


"Yes Randy"

"Can you feed me?" Randy smiled, batting his eyes at her, she sighed again.

How could she say no to this bloodshot, red and puffy eyes of her sick boyfriend?

"You so owe me Orton" She whispered as she spoon fed him the first bite

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