Piece By Piece

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The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.

Rachel grabbed her jacket quickly off her couch, a piece of toast hanging from her mouth as she tried to gather her things, she couldn't be late for training...not again, especially when it was with one of her biggest inspirations in the wrestling business, Hulk Hogan. He had quickly saw the potentional in her and offered to help train her as she made her way through NXT and soon to be WWE. Triple H, after NXT Revolution realised that the divas on the main roster needed some new and fresh competition, and since he was bringing in a new creative team to get the old WWE back to it's former glory, he may aswell add some new talent while he was at it and thankfully Rachel was one of few who were picked, her debut match would be happening in 2 weeks and she was ready, both Hulk and herself knew she would kick ass now. Not that she didn't in NXT but after beating all of the divas once she needed some new 'competition'.

She quickly switched everything off, shoved her phone into her pocket and pulled open her front door to be met with the back of a tall, grey haired stranger. She frowned and sighed, "I'm sorry sir but you must have the wrong house" She grumbled as she stepped outside, shut the door and locked it only to turn back to the stranger to see him staring her in the face. Her stomach dropped as she recognised him, she couldn't miss those eyes anywhere.

"Hey Rach" He smiled tentively, not knowing what to expect.

Rachel felt physically sick, why did he have to show up today of all days? She felt all the memories come flooding back of when he left and her and her Mom had to try survive on barely anything. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again" She hissed

"Come on, is that anyway to talk to your old man?" He smiled and took a step towards her, but she quickly moved away from him, shaking her head.

"You are definitely not my old man.I think both of us know that quite clearly" Rachel jogged down the few steps of her house and walked quickly to her car, she felt like she was being suffocated, her head was light, her lungs were constricting inside of her and tears were threatening to fall. But the overwhelming feeling of anger she felt was surreal, She had never felt so angry at someone in her life.

"Don't be like that...please. How many times do I have to apologise?" He sighed, Rachel gritted her teeth and spun round to face him.

"Apologise?! Sending me a bunch of cards and an apology letter for abandoning me when I was 6 years old does not make up for anything. In fact, I would go as far to say it makes everything worse!" She yelled, not caring if the whole street could hear her, all the pain and angerness were coming back and she couldn't help but vent. She just wished the one person she needed could be here right now.

Her 'father' stared at her, not knowing what to say, but what did he expect? Of course she wasn't going to let him walk back into her life. "Please Rachel, just let me back in and I will make it up to you" She scoffed.

"Make it up to me?" She laughed sarcastically, "Please, you're probably only here for money to get yourself out of some debt you owe, just like last time you came apologising to me. Just...leave me alone! I'm finally happy okay! I have someone who loves me and won't abandon me because he knows exactly what it feels like to be abandoned. You don't understand how screwed up in the head you leaving made me. I was off the rails, I'm lucky to still be alive today! You are nothing but a coward and I hate you! I HATE YOU! YOU.ARE.NOT.MY.FATHER!....And you never will be" 

Rachel wiped her eyes quickly as she got into her car and drove away, leaving him standing on the pavement. How dare he come back, after everything he put her and her mother through. He was nothing more than piece of trash to her now. She would never forgive him, not for leaving and defintely not for starting a new family and not leaving them. His 'other' family got everything she had ever dreamt of while she had to work for it all, she wasn't saying there was anything wrong with that she would rather work for something than have it handed to her, but she would have liked to have a father who would spoil her every so often.

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