Sneak Peek

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The Mushroom Kingdom. A very peaceful Kingdom that is ruled by Princess Peach and the primary inhabitants known as toads. The land is very beautiful, with its tall, round hills. The presence of floating objects such as blocks, coins, and warp pipes. Stripped Grasslands, and layered dirt. Of course Princess Peach is a human, after all, there is at least 1% of the human population that resides in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Of's not always peaceful. Especially when there's a big ass lizard that always kidnaps the Princess for some reason. And right now, it was definitely one of those times.


A boy was launched backward after receiving a punch from a huge turtle with a spiky shell. He had sharp horns, sharp razor teeth. Literally, this guy is very physically powerful. He can breathe fire, and is said to have skills in black magic.

Meanwhile, the boy on the other hand, wore black clothes with yellow overalls, he wore a black hat with a white spot on it, and on that white spot, was a capital N. This boy was none other than Subaru Natsuki. He was at the age of 17 and he has been fighting this guy on plenty occasions alongside his two older brothers.

As Bowser let out a mighty roar in rage, Subaru got up, using his hammer for support.

"Alright Bowser, this is like the one millionth time you tried this already! How stubborn are you?!"

"You damn runt! Just get out of my way already so I can marry Peach!"

"No can do! I need to buy enough time for my brothers to get here. And so far, I think I'm doing a great job you giant turtle. Once I'm done with you, I'll just send you and your ship crashing into another hill, like last time."

Subaru taunted as he stuck his tongue out, further infuriating the king of the Koopas.


Bowser roared in rage as he shot out flames from his mouth, aiming at Subaru, all in a attempt to burn him to a crisp.


But that was all for nothing, as Subaru simply jumped up into the air with his hammer in hand, and began charging downward towards the turtle as he began spinning and charging towards the Koopa King.

"Here! Take this on for size!"

Subaru literally yeeted his hammer towards the turtle, the force alone was enough to where the hammer literally charged past Bowsers flames and collided with him face first.


The giant turtle was dazed, giving Subaru a chance to land more attacks on him. Subaru started it off by landing behind Bowser and grabbed him by his tail, flipping him over and slamming him onto the floor, and right after that, he began spinning him around like a ragdoll and flung him into the air.

During this, he managed to catch his hammer by the time the king of the Koopas was falling downwards at high speeds, very vulnerable to the attack he was about to receive.


"So long Kinga Bowser!"

Without wasting another second, Subaru swung his hammer right into Bowser's stomach, making the giant turtle scream out in pain as the force enough was to send Bowser flying across his own battle ship. The ruler of the koopas crashed into the wall due to the force of the throw, and didn't show any signs of waking up anytime soon.

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