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......Faintly, I could hear the sound of running water, if but only briefly.... a sweet summer song in my ears.......

Something I haven't felt in the darkness for so long......

Not since......... . . .

........      ..................     ........... . . .   .

I can barely remember........ What's my name?!......... . . . .

....................  ... . .

Her......... yes..... her.......... . . .   .    .

.................   .............  .      .  ..................   . .  .

MY mind.... IT REELS......... IT WATCHES!!!......... ME!!.... I WATCH!!!........... I WATCH THE DARKNESS!!!!......

.......................................        .. . .  ..          ...........................  .. .

Again.......... Fight again!!...... AGAIN !!!!! AGAIN!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!.................. .  . . .    .       .

................... .... . . .

Nothing but the abyss......... Nowhere to run....... . . . .

..........Warmth .......what was warmth like?......... She made me............. warm....... . . . .

.................. . . . . . . . ... .. .

....... I....... AM...... THE.......... ABYSS!!!!!!!................ . . . .

......................................... .. . ... . . .. . . .

I need to get it together.......... . . . . I can feel the edge of madness..... Clawing.... SCREAMING!!!

....................................... ......... . ....... ........ . . .. . .

Art!!........... She.......... How I miss it........... her??..........

I miss her smile........

her smile........ smile....... smile ............................................... . . . . . .

NO!! Hold on............ I'm so tired........... I have to hold on....... . .

........................... ............ ........... ..... .      . .            . ...........

....... Another fight approaching........... AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! . . . . .

The lost soul charges into the next fight, swinging his weapon. Continuing a fight that has lasted a half a millennium, and will continue till he is no more.

A dark soul, fighting on an endless sea of sand. An eternally dry desert, without a single drop of moisture. A place cast in eternal darkness.

Massive monuments stood in the sand. Ancient stone structures, dark and foreboding. Their very existence bespoke of ancient terror, ones that have existed since before the dawn of time.

Occasionally, the only source of light in this dim place was small bonfires that could be found dotting the barren, windswept landscape.

He fights off endless hordes of enemies without rest. Never dying, never running. He refused to fall to his loneliness which stirred up a source of madness in his mind. He refused to let anything affect him.

But he couldn't help but zone out, sometimes not thinking a single thought for years at a time. Though his track of time was all but gone in this dark world.

He would shout and clash his weapons over and over, singing forgotten tunes that he could no longer remember the names of. Whispering things to keep him focused.

Whispering goals and words that he no longer remembered what they meant. Though his memory was this faded, he knew deep down in his core, that he had something to keep fighting for.... .  .    .      .

Someone he loved....

And that kept him going. He fought and fought, over and over... Till one day, something he always wished for, something he knew might never happen, happened!

Something ripped him straight out of that dark place. Like seeing real light for the first time in his life, he felt ancient memories flood his head. Ones of his past, long ago......

Memories of water..... A river..... A woman's voice...... Laughter..... Beautiful light blue colors....

Accursed sand beneath him still... But this sand had color. He had forgotten so much. He had repressed his memories of the world he used to live in... Why?... Was it to preserve it?

He had forgotten what the touch of water felt like... or even how it tasted..... What did anything taste like?........ He could only taste the dust in his mouth.....

He stares at his hands in the torchlight.... Light?...

He looks up into the light. The flame light tickled at his eyes.... Two figures.... Two women....

That one... Her....... Her Hair.... That color was... so... familiar....

...... He could feel his mind coming under assault with feelings and memories he hadn't felt in so long. Pleasures, pains, and experiences of a distant past.

Faintly he could feel something..... foreign.... It was falling down his face.... and he could feel pain in his chest building quickly.....

Then he remembered about breathing and took a large shuddering breath. He then started coughing and choking, his mouth was filled with sand. His head pounding and his body felt a sensation he hadn't had in so long.


He couldn't breathe, and his body was aching. He felt someone shove something into his mouth. Something weird and formless fell onto his tongue, and down his throat. He immediately gulps it down, coughing some of it up. After a moment, he was able to accept some of it into my dry body.

Then, all his limbs go limp, and he collapses into the sand. As his vision fades, he can see a book next to his face.... It felt like it was the last thing he would ever see..... Blue and beautiful..... A gold picture....... of a dragon....... She felt so familiar...... Like she was someone of great importance to him.......

....... She?.........

....He knew her....

The desire to grab the book surged through his body, and with one monumental push, he managed to drop his hand on it. Ancient memories of a powerful love echo in his mind, as he falls into a dark sleep........... .   .    .      .       .        .            .

...................................TO BE CONTINUED!!!.........................................................

The Love Between Art and WaterWhere stories live. Discover now