Never Tell Me the Odds (pt. 1) [Impulse + Tango]

Start from the beginning

Tango punched the button for the turbo lift, killing both soldiers inside and taking it over. "For the Rebellion," he muttered, taking the cylinder from Ren and using it to access the floor below. Impulse and Doc exited the lift, tapping their helmets in salute.

"Got your comms open?" Impulse asked. Both Tango and Ren nodded before the lift closed on them again.

"We can hear you loud and clear," Tango replied, his voice coming through the hijacked communicator. "We'll free the Jedi and come back up to meet you. Hopefully, we can make it to the ship without too much trouble."

"May the Force be with you."

"You too."

Doc had already run down the hallway, turning right where it branched off at the J section. "Twenty-six fourteen... Fifteen... Sixteen... Here we go, seventeen," he whispered, punching numbers into the pad beside the door. It hissed open, revealing a young red-haired girl in a mint green dress.

Her eyes widened as she balled up her fists, pressing back into the opposite wall.

"Whoa, hey," Impulse said, removing his helmet. She jerked back in surprise, her posture loosening slightly. "We're here to get you out of here and stuff. C'mon."

She hesitated. Doc sighed. "Look, if we wanted to hurt you, we'd have done it already," he groaned, pulling off his helmet. She bit back her surprise. Rodians were never seen as stormtroopers. He put it back on, nodding to the door. This time, she followed.

Stormtroopers burst into the end of the hallway. Doc pulled a pistol from his belt, tossing it to Gem as Impulse pulled her behind a pillar. He stepped into the hallway, firing a few shots before ducking back to cover. Doc did the same on the opposite side of the hallway, but the attacking force was too big. Gem took a few shots of her own, taking several troopers dead in the throat with her pistol.

"See?" Impulse quipped. "Not a normal princess."

Blaster fire continued to whiz past, making it impossible for them to shoot back. Gem glanced around, searching for an escape hatch. She found none. What she did find, however, was a garbage chute.

"Into the garbage chute, flyboy," she said, grabbing Impulse by the shoulder and shoving him toward the chute.

"What?!" Doc said incredulously. "There's no escape from the garbage chute!"

"There is if we do it right," she shot back, sneaking a few more blasts from her pistol at the advancing troopers. "Come on, in you go."

She shoved Impulse down the chute, listening to him yell in panic as he slid down the narrow slide. Doc dove across the hallway, joining her on the other side. "Ladies first," he said sarcastically, covering her with his blaster fire. She jumped in without hesitation. He took a few more shots before following her down the hatch.

^-^ Tango ^-^

Considering the area being 'high security containment', it was relatively easy to break in. Luckily, the code Ren had stolen from the dead officer allowed them to access the first door, bypassing it with ease. The elite soldiers standing at the end of the hall protecting the next door went down with two well-aimed blasts from each of them.

The next obstacle was a numerical code barring the door. Tango scratched the top of his helmet as he looked at it, Ren watching the hallway behind him. The alarms continued going off, but apparently the Empire considered the level secure enough to not send soldiers to intercept them.

Jokingly, Tango typed, 1-2-3-4-5. The door hissed open.

"No freaking way," he said, laughing with relief. The black-clad troopers stationed in the hallway went down within seconds, barely given a chance to react. A blaster bolt hit him in the arm, knocking off a piece of armor and singeing it, leaving a bleeding gash. Tango hissed, observing the wound. Satisfied it was half-cauterized and not bleeding much, he followed Ren through the hallway, arriving at the next door.

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