Kabanata 30

30 18 38


[Situation: What's in a box of chocolate?]

Living with Brielle wasn't that bad. I thought we were going to have trouble getting along, but once we established our schedule, it flowed like water.


Almost at least. If only she can mute herself from time to time.


It feels like normal nowadays for us to yell at each other since we move into this big of a house. But honestly, I'd much rather stay in a simpler and smaller home, especially if it's just the two of us living.

"I need help with this thingy!"

"What thingy?!"

"This thingy."

I sighed, knowing this conversation isn't going anywhere, I went ahead and to see what she's up to before she caused trou-

"What are you doin- Shit, careful." I rush to her side and hold on to the piled up chair to keep it steady. She was on top of the piled-up chairs, probably trying to fix something on the lights.

"Huwag ka kasing nanggugulat."

"We have a ladder by the garage, and if you're changing the bulb, just ask me."

"I did. Tinawag nga kita eh." She sat down on top of the pile like she's on top of the world, not caring about any danger.

"Asking help for a 'thingy' doesn't help. You have to be specific. Can you come down now? I'll fix that later."

"Sure," she answered like she's planning something stupid again.

"Oh no don't." She stands on the pile and looks towards my direction with both her hands spread out, ready to jump. "Brille, No."

I step back to make sure I'm able to catch her if she jumps, which she will.

"Brielle, Yes."

F*ck. "Damn it, woman."

"See, you know how to play catch. Very good, lion." This troublesome woman happily pats both my cheeks and does not even bother by how unamused I am.

Is she high?

"Do that again, and I'll let you fall and break your bones," I said as I set her down, but her craziness took over again.


"Shit. Are you trying to kill me?" She almost strangled me when I put her down, and now she tightly wrapped her legs around my waist to prevent me from letting go.

"But this is fun," she laughed.

"Food is waiting, and I'm hungry. Can you let go?" I'm still supporting her back in case she decides to do a backflip, which is not far from happening.

"That's good. Tara na. Walk Alexander, gutom na rin ako."

I sighed, knowing reasons won't work anymore since this dragoness has already tapped to her crazy side again.

"You're lucky you're my wife, or else I've thrown you out long ago." I sat her down on the armchair to change the way she's being carried, but she immediately clings to my neck like a leech.


"Shit. Don't yell when we are this close. I'm just going to switch your place. I won't see the way if you're blocking my view."

When she loosened up her grip I carried her like a princess and started to walk to the dining room. "Are you happy?"

She grinned, "Can you do this every day, para hindi na ko mapagod maglakad."

"Do you want me to cut your legs so that you can't walk?"

"No thanks, how about every other day?"

"How about NO?"

"Please? Ipagluluto kita."

"Don't bother, you can't cook."

"I will make your coffee instead plus I won't bother you when you're working."

"First off, we have a coffee machine that makes our coffee, and second, you're supposed to stay still and not bother me when I'm working."

"But where's the fun there?"

I didn't bother to respond as we've already reached the dining room.

"Eat and don't even remove the bitter melon on your plate."


"Magic Autumn?"

"I will not waste food."

Good. Since we lived together, I learned a few things from her. Things that I usually missed out before and things that I used to not care much about. If I didn't bother with her before, nowadays, everything seems to concern me more. Her routine, habits, her likes and dislikes and even those little things that I never knew she had. It was like seeing her in a new light.

"Alexander I have a date with Aileen later, so late ako uuwi kaya sunduin mo ko sa mall ah."

"Which mall?"

"Don't know yet. Text na lang kita."

"Before seven."

"I know, hintayin mo ko ah. Don't watch Beauty and the Beast yet."

"As if I will."

This too is something we came up with. Something I never thought we'd do. It has become a part of our routine to let each other know where we're going in case of emergency.

It also became a habit to have a movie night every Saturday, when we're off from work. A chance for us to talk and discuss about work, mainly for me to listen to Brielle complain about her co-workers.

I never thought this is how our married life will be. I thought it would be stressful and tiring but it was different. Yes, we argue about everything, but that's normal to us. On a good day like this, a little clingy wife is not so bad at all. I guess married life is good for both of us.

"I hope this day never ends," I muttered.


"Nothing." I didn't know I'd said it outloud.

"May sinabi ka narinig ko, 'di ko lang naintindihan. It better be, Brielle is like a goddess so I'll buy her a box of chocolate."

"Sadly, it's not."

"Are you sure?"

"Nice try."

"What did you say then?"

I wonder. I picked up my plate and made my way to the kitchen, before I did. I made sure to walk behind her and whisper, "I said, I have a wonderful wife and I'm lucky to have her mine."

When I saw how her ears turned red, I kissed her temple and continued to make my way to the kitchen.

"Bwiset ka Alexander! Joke ba 'yun? Ano ba 'yan. Nakakainis!"

Her reaction made me laugh, but I didn't expect to say those words. I was planning to blow on her ears, but for some reason my lips utter words that I never knew in my mind. I guess I'm getting more comfortable with her faster than I expected.

[Conclusion: People are like chocolates. It can be sweet or bitter. But knowing one flavor can be expected and predictable, unlike a box of chocolate that comes in a variety. Having a variety means the unexpected or a surprise, just like how in life we don't know what happens next or who we meet until we decide to take a chance and open the box or walk the path that's in front of us.]


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