chapter 7

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Not ready to return that place called home Andray took a detour into town, cutting ties with Claire was the first step in his plan as he had often work with her to remove Audrey. but failed everytime, then again the moment they decided to go against her they lost, but right now his wish for a happy life can't happen now since Audrey has yet get engage and capture the emperor's heart.

Yes, that was one of his family's greedy plans that's why his father was so desperate to get a daughter, the Solitia Empire was rich, wealthy and flurishable not to mention it's overbearing military power this country lacks nothing and many craved this empire but it showed no signs of yield even after the current emperor had been throne in fact it got better. But the reason why his father wants it is completely unknown to him, then again everything about his father is an enigma.

He took detour in the near by animal tamer dustrict, there were a lot of animals on display Andray wasn't a fan of enslaving wild animals they should be free he, looking at the abuse of the animals he turns to leave, that's when he saw a suspicious man holding something in his hand, feeling curious he follows him he stop at the dumpster in the corner.

"Ugly useless things!" He spits at the thing as throws it in the trash.

The man then turns away, leaving. Andray furrow his eyebrows and walks up there hesitantly when he saw a reddish-brown fur he removed the cloth to reveal.

"A red panda?!" Andray cheeks blush upon seeing the creature.

His always saw things like panda on videos, his old brother showed him he found them cute but it was illegal to keep them as pets. now he witness it for himself he gently picks up the injured creature it was adorable, it was obviously on the brink of death since it was so young and obviously starving milk, it needs milk and lots of food, he wraps then hid into his chest protectively then run to by milk he needs and animal doctor as well.

After running round town to get it milk, supplies and to a doctor finally he could rest in the park at the fountain to think they would abandon a baby red panda.

"You poor thing, you must have been so scared," he said, petting its fur. "You were taken unjustly from your homeland, weren't you?"

Solitia was an empire that had many different people that migrated here; many merchants, travelers and performers love to come here for the country was rich with beauty, equality and culture no one wasn't accepted here at least not for others Solitia was perfect to everyone else but him.

"Now that I think about isn't it around this year the traveling dancers arrives? I'd like to see them perform," he said to the sleeping red panda.

Andray had always wanted see the travellers perform, he couldn't in his life as Yurik because he had to work a lot to maintain a life for both Yoam and himself, so he could only go to parks, circuses and concerts and because of his busy schedule he always missed Yoam's birthday but the day he finally did he die. Now that he thinks about Yoam must be traumatized to have lost his dad on his birthday, Yurik can't help but worry so much, he has to worry about he wants to go back being Yurik, that life is too wonderful. A family who loves him no matter, what a son who is rude that can't make up his mind weather to call him dad or uncle who was always grumpy but kind, a family who waits for him, Andray bow his head as tears fall from his eyes.



'I want to go back, I don't want to stay'

He told himself many times but still he was here, he went to his bed every night hoping to wake up back as Yurik but every morning he'd open his eyes to the cruel reality that was Andray. The replaced and abandoned Andray that no one wanted around, why must he suffer the fate of being Andray. Why couldn't he be Yurik? why couldn't he die and rest as Yurik? Why couldn't he live the rest of his life as Yurik? He who grew up in a big family that dotes on him, who doesn't care about the way he acts and accepts him for who he is, who helps him whenever his troubled, doesn't try to change or replace him a family who was protect and love him, a home that welcomes him. He can't help but cries miserably at the cruel reality that he has to face.

But suddenly he remembers the flash of silver in that last moment in his life, and once again he wonders... who is Amakiel? And why did he help him? What was he doing there?

Wiping his tears Andray calms himself, this bitter reality won't change even if he cries but at least it make it a little better.


So in the original they said "gypsy" is a slur which I didn't know, so I thought it meant nomad or travellers which technically it is but like slur for it so I changed it travellers or traveling dancers.

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