chapter 3

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The servant was confused by his master's sudden change in behaviour and temperament. Andray never got upset when he touched him even if it was inappropriate he would always blushed and look away but now, he was different. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that sometimes the male seems to be waiting on him to do it.

"Don't ever touch me without my permission, understand?" Andray said coldly with hatred and unspoken anger.


He bowed and closed his eyes, it was best not to upset him whatever mood he was in he will be over it soon. Even though he doesn't understand why the master is angry at him, he is sure he will get over it soon.

"Get me something to eat, I'm hungry, bring it to my room," he orders briefly.

"Yes master," the butler said, bowing, then leaving.

Andray's face darkens the pain of being betrayed, he will not experience that again he will not give them a chance to stab him in the back like before, he will throw them away before he is thrown away. He could still remember that memory quite clearly...

"Clark! help me you ....won't leave me too r-right," his lips trembled as he uttered those words clinging to Clark's pants.

The trembling Andray begged crying on the floor as he held on tightly begging on his knees, searching for a bit of love.

The butler looked down at his eyes with disgust and yet pity, he slowly bent down while towering over him as if to show who is now superior. He then held Andray's chin and smiled with eyes filled with all types of emotions, passion, hatred, lust, disgust. It couldn't be pointed at one thing entirely.

"Even now as you cry... you look so beautiful and breathtaking, in appearance you are far more beautiful than the miss, I could hold in my arms caress you as I wipe away these miserable tears that fall down your cheek." He uttered softly and gently caressed Andray's hair in an intimate manner as if he was embracing his lover.

Andray smiles and raises his hand to hold the butler's face believing that Clark was truly on his side, that truly he was not abandoned by everyone, truly there was someone who genuinely loved him. "But it disgusts me".

Like the very blade that pierced him it hurts, how? Why? He didn't understand.

"The way you walk, talk, move, everything about you, it disgusts me. You're not a woman, you're a man, you always look down on me, didn't you? It's almost funny how the tables have turned, so, who is looking down on who now? How pathetic". he smiled widely, showcasing his true feelings.

Andray, who was in despair, dropped his head down as tears ran from his eyes, tightening his grip on the man's pants




Andray then lets go and holds his mouth as he throws up blood, then he looks back up as the butler looks down at him with utter hatred glowed in his eyes.

"Oh, you're injured too bad, finally someone put you in your place" he voice mocks with false pity.

"You don't feel an ounce of pity for me *cough* your so heartless *cough* well I guess, I'll see you in hell then *cough*"

Yes, it was the butler who first betrayed him, so why should he treat him as a human? When he didn't back when he needed him the most, Clark was his butler since he was ten years old, he saw everything that was going on, he should be the one who understands him more than anyone. But what did he do? Join his betrayers, so basically, he too killed him along with everyone else Andray clutches his chest Andray whom he wanted to forget, is back and along with it his pain joined as well.

Andray walked in the hall and looked through the window and saw his mother, the same light blond wavy hair, light shiny eyes, cherry like lips with a fair complexion. He stop and look through the window and held it, he look at his mother was smiling happy and gently something she never showed him, he look beside her the ever so gentle and innocent twin sister Audrey everything about her was rude her posture her behaviour but yet they never reprimanded on it, but every time he tried he gets punished everyone love the innocent and lovable Audrey, but hated the strict and cold Andray even Yurik hated Andray, but his reasons differ a lot from others Yurik hated Andray because it was painful being him funny even himself want him to disappear for good.

"Are you going to stand there forever?"

Andray snapped out his dazed state of self hatred and quickly hid his melancholy state beneath his pretentious smile, he turned to the person who spoke to him.

"You seemed to be everywhere big brother" he said, chirpy.

"Stop that," Aslan said with a dead expression.

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything," he said, behaving cute.

"Quit acting like a woman," Aslan said, getting annoyed.

"Oh, I was?" he smiles as he lets out a fluttery laugh.

It was the same thing he looked at the man whose eyes grew angrier.

"Big Brother, I don't know how to change, can you teach me?" He smiled pointing at himself

"Annoying, why should I waste time on something so useless and pointless? Especially the likes of you," Aslan asks apathetically.

Usually it would hurt him deeply if he said that, but what he said didn't affect him as much. It was a surprise then he thought again. Yes, he had a big brother but it wasn't him. A big brother didn't talk like that to him no matter how he behaves.

"You're right Mr. Aslan, you can't waste a little time on something like me keep it up," Andray said, smiling, but there was a cold tone heard beneath the cheerful tone "goodbye mr.Aslan"

Andray walked passed him and bumped his shoulders, soon his smile faded to a frown. Andray family hates him, there is no love here for him, Yurik has it all, Andray doesn't. It's a reality he needs to accept for no one except Amakiel was there at his end.


There is a lot of Canon that I will mention here. Like one in the original didn't mention, like one Ckark use to make out with Andray which fell under his category of inappropriate touching.

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