TF2 Chapter 16

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you know the drill already <3 

We arrived at an Aviation Museum. I put my jacket on as Simmons held binoculars to his eyes 

"Smithsonian air and space museum. Land of dreams. All I ever wanted to be was an Astronaut," he said 

"Are the binoculars necessary?" i asked as Sam shrugged I picked up the little bot and slipped him in the inside pocket of my jacket. His head peaked out of it as I smiled "Cutie" 

Simmons started to rip his pants off I screamed and Mikeala looked away "Hold those!" he said throwing the pants at Sam. I walked out to avoid whatever talk Simmons was having. I kind of wish I was jumping out of a plane right now. I heard a voice "Lockhead blackbird" What? Is that a plane? What was going on inside my head? What the hell happened? Who's talking to me? 

The museum was about to close when we had our plan in motion. I walked in and smiled holding the baby robot in my arms "Hi sir, my husband believes he lost our son's toy would you mind helping me find the lost and found?" i say sweetly with one of the most overenthusiastic voices I've ever done. The guard comes up to me and looked me up and down as Sam and Mikeala slip into the building 

"How old are you?" the guard asked, shoot he's suspicious "You look kind of young to be a mother..." he said

"Oh, how sweet of you!" I said with a smile as he gave me a confused look.

"Yeah, desks this way," he said leading me inside he lead me to a desk that wasn't manned and he turns to me, "well look-" he said before I tazed him in the neck with one of the tasers Simmons gave me. he fell to the ground spasming I ran past him and went to find everyone else. I ran past the bathrooms to see Leo with his pants down getting dragged by Simmons 

"You are a rank armature" Simmons repeated as I held in a laugh 

"What happened?" I asked 

"tased himself in the nuts" he said as I helped pull him the baby bot climbed back into my pocket with the blanket I used to cover him up. I wonder what they call the babies. There were so many planes everywhere. We met Sam and Mikaela and started unpacking. "behave!" Mikaela warned wheelie Sam pulled out a cube shard and Simmons held a device out i took my gun from Simmons bag and kept watch. 

"There are five guards, five guards!" Simmons said "get your stuff and get out of here" 

"give me a second" Sam said "I got the tracker" Sam tells Mikaela 

We started to run around looking for the plane as the voice in my head spoke "Blackbird" I stopped and looked around. I now understood the voice i looked up at the plane i was standing next to must've been it. 

"Blackbird!" Simmons said as I felt an uncertain feeling in my body. They were right. I did have something to do with this. 

Wheelie transforms and looks towards us "There he is. This guys a legend like the chairmen of the board, yo freshmen! Point the shard and watch the magic happen" Wheelie said Sam and Mikaela get under the rails and points the shard. There's an electric current that went through the craft. Sam and Mikaela get under the craft.

"Shit, its a Decepticon!" Mikaela yelled 

"Decepticon? behind the MIG now!" Simmons yells as we ran underneath a plane the jet was beginning to transform into an old looking bot with a beard. There were parts coming out of him as he walked around. 

"What sort of hideous mausoleum is this?" he asked as his voice came out with a weird accent.  he walks around yelling "Answer me pawns and knaves! show yourself or suffer my infinite rath!"

I looked to wheelie as he transforms "What's wrong with him? Why isn't he trying to kill anyone?" I asked as the old robot kept yelling

"You little spinal cord based organisms! bugger up! behold the eternal glory of Jetfire!" the Decepticon named Jetfire yelled. "prepare for remote systems override" he grumbles as i tilted my head

"Hes the most nonthreatening Decepticon I've ever encountered" I say in awe as Wheelie transforms

"I tell you, this guy did not age well" he said, I snicker you could say that again. He looked like an old man if I'm being honest, the beard, cane looking thing and the hunched over thing he was doing. He wasn't that threatening. 

"I don't think hes going to hurt us" Mikaela mutters, i nodded in response walking out of the hiding spot we were in 

"Hey!" Sam yelled getting his attention. I looked at the sparkling in my arms, he was trying to wiggle out as if he was scared. I moved him to my chest like I've seen moms do to babies, hell I don't even know babies much less transformer babies.

"I command these doors to open!" Jetfire ignores us or just didn't hear Sam. He stood at the doors then he yells "Fire! I said fire!" missiles fired off haphazardly, one hitting the door and the other expensive aircraft in the building. 

"Are you fucking serious?" I mumble in annoyance

"Damn these worthless parts!" He yelled making his escape through the damaged doors.

"Wait!" Sam yells as he runs out following Jetfire causing us to follow him out to the back where there was a yard full of unused aircraft. 


hi.......... Been awhile huh.... Love y'all I'll see u soon 

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