"You can decide. It's my treat, but you decide where we'll go," he replied, and Michael felt another excited pinch in the pit of his stomach. He was almost certain now that Sam was also gay and interested in him. That look told him a lot, and... He was nervous about his interest that had woken; he didn't even know the man–Yet. His mind was reminded which made Michael more confused.

"There's one great Indian place nearby, maybe we could go there?"

"I'm completely under your guidance," Sam grinned and felt pleased when he noticed yet another small blush creeping on Michael's cheeks. "How long have you lived here?" He asked as they walked in the direction that the other had chosen.

"Little over a year," Michael replied and glanced at the other insecurely, knowing he would have to lie about many things.

"Which part of Britain do you come from?"

"London," Michael lied with practiced ease.

"Really? I'm from London as well!" Sam exclaimed excitedly. "Maybe we've met there sometime? I thought there was something familiar about you, but‌ I can't believe I could have forgotten meeting you. Maybe we have visited the same nightclubs, what do you think?" Sam gave him a suggestive look and a smile, assuming that Michael caught his meaning because the younger man gave him a shy smile.

"I lived in New York for a couple of years before I got here..."

"And you must be quite young, twenty-two or – three, perhaps?" Sam guessed, and Michael smiled at him.

"I'm twenty-one," he replied." How old are you?"

"Twenty-five, so not too old, right?" Sam grinned, enjoying too much making the other blush.

"Quite young, I'd say," Michael replied and chuckled softly, seeing the look on Sam's face. He wondered if this was the right time to tell him about Jean. How would he tell without sounding stupid? Did Sam consider this a date or something else?

"Do you like older?" Sam decided to tease, feeling more confident. Michael bit his lip, looked away for a moment, and smiled, hoping that his smile wouldn't appear too gloomy.

"I, um... I have a boyfriend... We live together. He's thirty-three... and..." Michael felt his heart beating fast. Nervous, he glanced at Sam, scared that maybe he'd be mad, either because he was gay or for thinking he'd get something else from him, and now...

Sam couldn't help but feel disappointed, but he forced himself to smile. A boyfriend was an obstacle that he could at least overcome. If Michael had told him that he was in a heterosexual relationship, it would be a completely different situation. Now he still had hope.

"Are you happy with him?" He asked with a gentle voice that seemed to calm the other. The lingering answer and the look in Michael's eyes spoke a different truth than Michael finally gave him.

"Yes," he said, casting his eyes down to the pathway they were walking on. "Jean has... done so much for me." Sam eyed the younger man silently. He sensed the certain melancholy that made him curious. Maybe with patience, without pushing, he'd get the truth. Michael was a challenge and Sam had always loved challenges.

"And you? Are you seeing anyone?" Michael asked, to avoid the possible uncomfortable silence.

"I'm single and I'm going to be completely honest with you, Michael," Sam started. "Perhaps you already guessed, but I asked you out to dinner because I find you darn ...cute." He had almost said sexy, but cute seemed a more appropriate word choice for this situation. "I had hoped that you'd be gay as well and... well...at least one of my wishes came through. I hope my honesty won't make you uncomfortable. I fully accept that you are in a relationship and I would still like to get to know you better. I have this feeling that we'll get along brilliantly, and I would like us to be friends, if that's alright, knowing what I just confessed to you?"

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