33. Shall we go?

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Michael kept it a secret from Jean. He didn't want to tell him he was going out to have dinner with another man, because he knew how it sounded. He knew Jean would forbid him and it wouldn't help to tell him it was just a friendly meeting. Was it, though? His mind questioned. Did he want it to be? But he didn't want to venture further into those thoughts, surely those thoughts wouldn't lead to anything good...

There was an unmistakably pleasant yet nerving tingling in his abdomen the whole of his workday. He kept checking the time that slowly but surely traveled towards six pm.

Would he come? Was he gay as well? Was he interested? His mind couldn't help but wonder. And what if all of it was a cruel joke? A trap set up by Patrick? The nervousness kept building. Jean would have a fit if he knew, no doubt. Was he out of his mind going out to dine with a stranger? What if...

Michael took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He had to take a risk; he couldn't get friends if he didn't take chances to get to know strangers. Maybe Sam wouldn't even show up? Michael pondered and knew he'd be disappointed if he didn't.

Quarter to six, the gorgeous blond stepped inside the restaurant and smiled when he saw him. Michael returned the smile excitedly and suddenly felt almost out of breath. 

Sam neared the bar where Michael worked, pouring drinks from the tab to customers that had ordered them. "Hi," he greeted and Michael nodded to him, serving the drinks before giving his full attention to him.

"Would you like a beer while you wait?" Michael asked and Sam nodded, sitting down at the bar. He observed Michael when he served him and Michael did his best not to blush or spill the drink when his hands had peculiarly started to tremble a little.

The man looked at him with interest, but his gaze was gentle. Michael didn't sense a potential threat from him. Sometimes one could be mistaken though, and those people that hid their true color so well were the most dangerous.

"I'll go and change and I'll be right with you. The beer is on me," Michael said and blushed ever so slightly. He was way too curious of the man and the feeling was so strange and new or long forgotten.

"I'll wait." Sam smiled taking note of the rather adorable blush that made him hopeful.

"Does your boyfriend know that you're going on a date with another man?" Olivia teased when Michael walked past her.

"It's not a date," Michael quickly denied. "We'll just go out to have dinner, as possible friends." But the blush that still lingered on his skin gave away what he truly thought about the other man.

" I think your date has a different idea," Olivia chuckled. "And Michael, sometimes the grass is, in fact, greener on the other side." She couldn't help herself, and her comment only made Michael blush even more. 

"Don't be silly..." He muttered before hurrying into the men's changing room where she couldn't follow him.

Sam waited, heart filled with excitement. He sipped his beer while praying that Michael found him equally interesting. Those certain reactions had brought him hope. How adorably he had blushed, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by him, how Michael's hand had trembled slightly when handing him the beer.

"Okay, I'm ready. Shall we go?" Sam turned to the voice and looked at the object of his attraction. In his everyday clothes, the young man was possibly even more stunning, and, for a moment, Sam felt speechless.

"Yes, let's go," he found his voice and stood. They walked towards the exit while Michael's curious workmates followed them with their eyes.

Michael felt Sam's gaze on his skin, smiled shyly, and was overwhelmed by the way the man's attention made him feel. "So... What would you like to eat?" He asked to break the silence that had lasted for some time. Sam smiled, still looking at him as they walked.

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