| part 10 |

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I open my eyes to be surrounded by a bright white and doctors. No. No. No. I'm in the Capitol. They've got me, not again. I can't do this again. Tears stinging my eyes as I'm overwhelmed with painful memories. I can't be back here.

"Listen to me. Your safe" I hear a voice say. Finnick? I whip my head around to my right, where the source of the voice came from.

"Oh god, I'm dead" I say inspecting him. I notice a few burns over him and some nasty gashes but he looks alive.

He lets at a small chuckle, "I can see why you think that but I promise you that your alive"

What the fuck is going on?

"How? How is this possible. I watched you die" I ask the man in front of me after 5 doctors reassured me I wasn't hallucinating and that this was real.

"When the Halo exploded I was underwater so when the explosion went off the water acted like a shield protecting me from any serious injuries but all the mutts where dead and their entry was sealed shut. I was found 5 days later"

"You really are alive" I cry out in happiness.


Doctors work their magic on me. Draping my rawness in new sheets of skin, coaxing the cells into thinking they are my own. Manipulating my body parts, bending and stretching the limbs to assure a good fit. I hear over and over again how lucky I am. My face and most of my body was spared. My lungs are responding to treatment. I will be as good as new.

When my tender skin has toughened enough to withstand the pressure of sheets, more visitors arrive. Haymicth carrying Hope in his arms and Avanna with Caspian. I look over to the hospital bed next to me to glance at my living husband. My family. They are all still here.

"Hey, I've missed you my babies" I tell Caspian and Hope. Even though she's too young to even understand I was gone. Well I guess Haymitch doesn't have boobs so she should have noticed that at least.

"Your back!" Avy says static to see me awake.

It's killing me that my bodies to weak to hold Hope or to hug anyone. I thought I was going to die. For all I know this is all just a bad dream. I could wake at any moment. I could be dead. I don't think I will ever trust my life to be genuinely happy and believe it to be real.


On the war: The Capitol fell the day the parachutes went off. There are rumours to be that Coin set off the baby bombs and I wouldn't put it past her. President Coin leads Panem now, and troops have been sent out to put down the small remaining pockets of Capitol resistance.

On President Snow: He's being held prisoner, awaiting trial and most certain execution. I will make sure that son of a bitch is dead if it's the last thing I do. He is the cause of so much trauma. He deserves pain.

Cressida and Pollux have been sent out into the districts to cover the wreckage of the war.

Gale, who took two bullets in an escape attempt, is mopping up Peacekeepers in 2.

Peeta's still in the burn unit. His burns wouldn't be as bad if he had just left me there but apparently he stayed by my side until someone came to rescue us. He's like a little brother to me. It feels weird that he was the one protecting me usually it's the other way round. His recovery seems to be doing better which I was relieved to hear.

And then there's Katniss. The girl on fire. Whose flames spread to high. In other words Katniss got caught in the fire resulting in burns and being in the burn unit like the rest of us seemed to be. I heard Katniss lost her sister in the bombings. I can't believe she got sent out there to help treat those kids, she's not even old enough to be out doing field work. This was Coins doing, no doubt about it. She wants Katniss to break and I think she's getting her wish. All of us remaining victors are on the breaking edge.

Eventually, me and Finnick are released from the hospital and given a room in the president's mansion to share with Hope and Caspian while Avanna is with Haymitch and Effy.


I'm alive. Finnicks alive. This is real. I repeat in my head, several times. I'm still unconvinced. Ever since I can remember I've always been unlucky, now some how I've managed to make it out of a war with my life and my husbands come back from the dead. There is no way this can be real.

"Aurora" Finnick says cautiously to me as I pace up and down the room as i twist my wedding ring. "Aurora, this is real. We are both alive"

How the fuck does he know what I'm thinking? More proof this is a lie and this is all just in my imagination.

"Aurora" he says snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Hi" I say.

"You need to sit down and stop stressing. It's bad for the baby"

Huh? I don't remember being pregnant. Oh wait, a doctor did say something about a healthy heart beat but I thought that was mine. And both being ok I thought she meant me and Finnick. I don't know anything, anymore?

"This isn't real" I say out loud as I continue to pace the room.

Finnick grabs a hold of my waist pulling me into a kiss. "This is real" he says pulling away.

I fiddle with my bracket that says 'mentally disoriented' around and around my wrist. It might as well just say, been through a lot of trauma and now doesn't believe what's real because of how life's so fucked up!

"Aurora. Do we need to go to that doctor?" he asks me.

"No" I say simply. I'm not going back to that fucking brain doctor. "I'm going to find Peeta" I say leaving the room and running down the hall before he can even reply. Some how me and Peeta have swapped roles. I'm now the mentally fucked up one and he's mentally stable.

"Aurora?" I hear the sound of Peeta's voice questioning me.

"Peeta" I say with a teary smile, wrapping my arms around him.

"Are you ok?" He asks worried at my sudden action.

"No" I reply honestly.

"What happened?"

"Is this real?" I ask him as I pull away to look at him.

"Yes" he replies without hesitation. "No matter how fake this all seems I promise you it is very real"

"Thank you" I say pulling him into another tight hug. Sometimes physical contact like a hug helps ground me to remember where I am. Peeta's the only one who can make me believe the world is real. It makes me relies how much one person can make an impact.

1203 words

I don't care if this doesn't make sense on how Finnick survived I'm making sure he lives.

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