| part 5 |

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In training Finnick and Adella immediately allied with the careers from 1 and 2.
2 - Tiberius, Laina
1 - Elaeis, Mandy

I wasn't shocked by their decision, I could tell from the begin that, that was their plan.
Finnick had listened to my advice and won over the audience with his seductive personality, instantly becoming a fan favourite. Unfortunately, Adella could not do the same. She suffered terribly with stage fright. No matter how hard I tried to make her forget about the audience. She tends to ignore whatever advice I give her since the train incident. Apparently holding a grudge is worth more than her life?

The arena this year was a tropical forest with a river which meant district four had an advantage with knowing how to fish and swim. The games had just began, Finnick ran straight to the bloodbath of the Cornucopia to join the careers. Adella killed the girl from 3 while Finnick was attacked from behind by the girl from 12, Finnick impaling her easily with his trident. Luckily, I have my ways around the capitol so all I had to do was seduce one of the game makers into putting one into the games. Snow would of made me do this anyways at least this way I get something useful out of it for Finnick.

On day two, the careers mercilessly killed the boy from 12 and I could see it in Finnick's eyes that this made him feel uncomfortable. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought.
The careers were clearly smart pairing with the two from 4 as they were good at fishing, using that as their only source of food.

While Adella was fishing I notice Finnick was weaving traps out of leaves that surround the forest. He was smart, he might actually have a chance of winning these games. The key characteristics of a victor is brains combined with conflicting pain. Later that day, Finnick received several sponsors but ignored every single one of them. This boy was crazy that's for sure but all the best people are.

On day 5, the careers caught the boy from 6 stealing their supplies. They told Finnick to kill him to prove his loyalty to them. It was either he got killed or he did the killing. Finnick picked up his trident and stabbed it through the boy, leaving a pool of blood behind.

The careers decided to leave their camp to hunt down the tributes. Laina was staying behind to protect the gear they had collected and Finnick decided to stay behind with her. To show her appreciation she gave him a peck on the cheek. I couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous? Finnick was in the arena fighting for his life meanwhile I'm sitting in the Capitol getting butterflies looking at him. What the fuck is wrong with me? I shake off the feelings and concentrate back on the games.

While the careers were on their hunt they came across a tiger mutt, killing Mandy and leaving her headless. Finnick, Adella and Tiberus begin to run in the same direction leaving Laina behind resulting in her being ripped to death. Finnick stopped at the sound of Laina's cannon while everyone else was unfazed by the sound.

After a while of being in the games you get used to the sound. Almost being relieved that it's one less person you have to kill.

"Hello Haymitch" I say to the drunk man as he sits down next to me. "Hey, little sunshine" he greats me.

During my two years as a mentor I've bonded close with the drunk. Yes, he is an alcoholic but if you ignore the bad breathe he's actually a nice man. And plus it's good to have a drink with him to take your mind of the games.

On day 10 there was toxic rain and Finnick actually except the sponsor gift I sent him.

'For your skin - A'

The cream eased the pain of his burnt skin. I'm surprised the game makers would do something to turn their golden boy ugly. After the rain there were only 6 tributes left until Elaeis killed 2 tributes and now there were only the 4 careers left. Adella and Finnick ran away from the other careers trying to get to safety. But now they were in an open field with no cover. Elaeis began attacking Adella but Finnick quickly came to the rescue and grabbed a hold of Elaeis, trying to impaling him but missed. Elaeis threw Finnick onto the ground, Adella quickly got up of the grass and pushed Elaeis down, giving Finnick the chance to get up at slice Elaeis's stomach killing him instantly. I couldn't help but turn away from the screen as the memories of Casper plagued my mind. But I had to turn back. I had to see how this ends. I turn back to the screen seeing Tiberus attacked Finnick. Finnick reacted fast and grabbed his Trident impaling Tiberus, leaving only Adella and Finnick. At least one was going to win from District four. Adella turned to Finnick to apologise as she attacked him but Finnick was to quick for her and he stabbed her before she could even get close to him. Before Adella could fall to the ground Finnick catches her lying her in his arms as he brings his shaking hand up to her face. I watch as he brushes the hair out of her face, tears fall from his cheeks. The cannon of her death sounded throughout the arena crowning Finnick the victor of the 65th hunger games.

"Well done kiddo, you got your first victor" Haymitch congratulated me on the victory. But was this a victory? I now had to help a teenage boy through the aftermath of winning the games. Tell him that he will never be the same again. The games will forever haunt him just like the other victors.

1005 words. Sorry there wasn't much details I couldn't find much information on his games.

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