| part 9 |

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"I heard it's your last night here" Johanna says walking into my room, hooking herself up to my morphine. It's become a regular routine for us. As soon as Finnick leaves she comes in here stealing my morphine as we talk for a bit. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep without the sound of your screams. I'm too used to it now"

"How's therapy?" I ask changing the subject.

"You know me. I hate all that sappy shit. How is some guy who's spent his life in this rabbit whole, going to fix me up? Complete idiot. At least twenty times a session he reminds me that I'm totally safe"

Johannas been though so much it's about time she gets some therapy. None of us should have had to go through what we did. The Capitol are monsters for all that they have done to us. It makes me wonder how many others they have tortured?

"How about you sunshine? You feeling totally safe?"

"Oh yeah. Couldn't feel more safe in my life" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"How's the little one?" She asks staring down at Hope.

"Alive. Some how?"

"I thought I was going to one day look at you sitting in a pool of blood crying about losing her. I'm shocked she's here and healthy"

"Thanks for that wonderful image Johanna but I'm not going to lie I thought the same" I admit. My biggest fear of being locked away in the Capitol was loosing Hope. I couldn't bare it. The thought of being tortured and loosing her because of it. I wouldn't of survived without her.

Finnick appears pulling the curtain looking at me and Jo sighing and shaking his head. Me and Johanna look like two little kids who just got caught stealing cookies. Well in this case it was Johanna stealing my drugs.

"Hey, handsome" Johanna says smiling at him innocently.

"Why am I not surprised?" he says looking at us.

"You can't judge us. We've had to keep each other alive for a while. So I generously gave her some extra morphine" I send him a sweet smile trying to make him forgive us.

"The people at 6 were onto something with all their self medicating" Joanna explains as she plugs the morphine drip back into my arm.

"I'm not angry. Just disappointed" Finnick says in a tone as if he was telling Caspian off.

"Alright Dad" Johanna laughs walking out of the room.

"So how long has that been going on?" He questions climbing into bed with me.

"Hmmmm not that long" I say clearly lying.


"Fine. A while. That's all I'm saying, I'm not a snitch."

He laughs at my comment.

"I could have easily snitched on the rebellion but I choose to be tortured relentlessly instead" I say just to prove my point. He looks at me in pity. I don't need his pity. I was simply making a joke about my trauma, it's what I do best.


Today was the day. They were finally testing Peeta with a visitor. And who better than the girl he was tortured with. We were tortured with the same venom you couldn't exactly find anyone else who could relate to his trauma.

"Katniss" I say with a smile looking at the girl who had bad bruises round her neck. I haven't seen her in so long. It's good to see someone different.

Sunshine | Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now