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It was then the time for the welcoming banquet. The Sect Leader came up to a podium and looked at his Sect disciples.

"As what Un Gum announced to all of you, we have received an invitation from the 5 greatest Sects of the East. They have sent 5 individuals to guide us to their place but as of now we are to wait for Zhongnan Sect before we all go there. Now may I welcome the said guests.

Lan Sizhui of Gusu Lan.

Lan Jingyi of Gusu Lan.

Jin Ling of Lanling Jin.

Ouyang Zizhen of Yiling Wei.

And lastly Wen Ning an Elder in Yiling Wei.

Now be respectful as this banquet is for them. Esteemed guests we welcome you all in our beloved Huashan Sect."

Hyun Jong announced with a proud smile. He watches as the said guests came up to a flat surface and stood there tall as the Huashan Sect members looked at them in awe.

As all have remained seated everyone was quite cautious with the Ghost General as he looks quite... different from the rest. He also looks....cold.

As they ate their dinners while talking to one another, some Huashan disciples were glancing at Wen Ning, who was then got noticed by Lan Sizhui.

Wen Ning remained quiet and diligent as he ate his food and would often give some meet to his young ones.

"Senior Brother Lan....I do wonder. Is your guardian always been like this? Y'know.... different." Jong Yoon asked as he ate his food watching Wen Ning having a silent conversation with Ouyang Zizhen.

"Well....all is to be said in due time but not right now." Lan Sizhui smiled at Jong Yoon making him unable to ask further questions about Wen Ning as to respect the Senior Brother's words.

"I see...."

The four young first-grade disciples all gathered at the Huashan forest behind the mountain to train. It was already midnight as this is their usual time training. Wen Ning was under a a plum blossom tree sipping some tea.

"So who wants to train with me?" Lan Jingyi smirked looking at his friends. "Me!" Zizhen exclaimed with a huge smile. "Not you." But Jingyi turned him down knowing that Jingyi is no compare with Zizhen. The Yiling Wei disciple then pouted as he sat down next to Wen Ning.

"Whatever, Uncle would be mad if he finds me lacking to take over the Lanling Jin Sect. So might as well train. I'll beat you up!" Jin Ling said with fiery eyes. "Bring it on Princess!" Jingyi challenged as both unsheathed their swords and circled each other at the center of the forest.

Cheong Myeong woke up hearing clashes of swords while the rest of his Senior Brothers were dead asleep due to training. He stood up and peaked who were training at the forest and saw sparks of blue and yellow clashing. He hid behind a tree and there he saw, Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling having a spar. Both looked serious as they let their blood thirst seep out glaring at each other as if wanting to kill.

Cheong Myeong was astonished but then searched for where the other three were. He saw Wen Ning sipping tea under the plum blossom tree, Ouyang Zizhen and Lan Sizhui moved positions just on top of a flat surfaced rock. Ouyang Zizhen took out a black flute with a navy blue tassel his face cold looking over Sizhui while the other took out their zither placing it on top of their lap. Red and Blue started seeping out from their instruments as they start to battle with them.

The clashing if swords and the clashing of music were over the place, it was getting strong and painful as the time passes by. He also saw how Sizhui's mouth started seeping blood while Zizhen's ears started leaking blood. Jingyi and Jin Ling were fighting for their lives against each other. Tattered clothes and bleeding bodies.

Jingyi and Rulan both breathing heavily as they glare at each other non-stop. Zizhen and Sizhui two were sweating and bleeding as they continue on with their battle that's until Wen Ning decided to step in while clapping his hands together.

"Amazing work as always everyone!" He complimented them with a bright smile. The four stopped doing what they were doing and chuckled.

Cheong Myeong blinked his eyes wandering what the hell just happened.

'What did I just watch!?'

Just got to upload today since college and all. I had to memorize the Uni's Mission, Vision, and Core Values. We had recitations earlier. 💀

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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