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"LAN JINGYI YOU ABSOLUTE LITTLE FUCK!" yelled a certain princess----I mean a certain Jin Ling who was chasing Lan Jingyi around Lanling Jin Sect due to the elders having a meeting to what to do about Lanling Jin as Jin Guangyao was already dead. No other Jin's beside Jin Ling are fit to take over the position as Sect Leader.

"I mean if finding a Sect Leader to take over Lanling Jin, shouldn't Little Rulan here be the one to take over?" Wei Wuxian suggested drinking the liquor Lan Zhan poured for him. Wei Wuxian smiled lovingly at Lan Zhan only to make Jiang Cheng's face turn sour.

"Well Mr. Obvious, our nephew is too young to take over Lanling Jin!" Exclaimed Jiang Cheng and gritted his teeth, Wei Wuxian could only teasingly stuck his tongue out making Jiang Cheng even furious slamming the table only to be held back by a calm Lan Xichen.

"Do calm yourself A-Yin. Although I do agree with A-Xian, but Young Master Jin Ling is indeed still too young to take over a Sect all by himself." Lan Xichen said trying to soothe the storming Jiang Cheng.

Wei Wuxian giggled as he leaned his body towards Lan Zhan and said to Lan Xichen. "Since when were we on the nickname basis? Not that I'm complaining since I'm already married with the Hanguang-jun. It's just making me bubbly to the fact that we're both Brother-in-laws now." Lan Xichen smiled in return.

"Indeed. I just thought that calling you by nickname would make you comfortable enough to call me Xichen-ge." Lan Xichen said with a soft smile.

"Matter at hand. Matter at hand." Jiang Cheng repeated making Lan Xichen chuckle and Wei Wuxian roll his eyes in a joking manner. "Yes, let us talk about the matter at hand now. We all agree that Jin Ling is still too young to take over Lanling Jin, and so I want to propose that we take turns into taking care of the Sect just until Jin Ling is at the right age to take over it, but of course we'll guide him along the way. Now raise your hand if you're agreeing with me." Lan Xichen handled the situation like a pro, the others immediately raised their hands.

"Of course I'll take part too since I'm not doing much work lately." Nie Huaisang stated fluttering his fan over his face. "That'll be a lot of help Sect Leader Nie. Now that it's all settled, let us prepare a banquet for a celebration. And for overcoming these past year's problems." Lan Xichen said as he stood up, Lan Zhan followed suit and so did Nie Huaisang. Wei Wuxian was about to leave when Jiang Cheng held him back.

Jiang Cheng was looking down on his feet can't able to face Wei Wuxian. "Cheng Cheng? Is something the matter?" Wei Wuxian asked. Jiang Cheng sighed before he pulled Wei Wuxian in a hug.

"I'm sorry...for everything. Before and even after you gave me your golden core. I know it's too late to say sorry, you don't have to accept my apology--"

"It's fine. Everything I did was for you. And I'd do it again if I had too. I'm your Shidi...I have to protect you some way now that Shijie is gone. Even Uncle Jiang, and Madam Yu. A-Cheng... it's alright, I forgive you. So please. Don't burden yourself anymore. Okay?"

Wei Wuxian tightened the hug as he buried his face onto Jiang Cheng's chest.

"I want A-Cheng to feel relieved. I don't want you stressing out now. The past is the past, and let's remain it that way. We're going to hold our chins up high and walk side by side as Yunmeng Jiang's Twin Prides once more. Do you understand?" Wei Wuxian looked at Jiang Cheng with a reassuring look. Jiang Cheng nodded, finally a smile on his lips.

"Okay....alright. Let's do that...I want us to be like before....thank you...for giving me a second chance." Jiang Cheng said relieved as they let go of each other. Hand in hand they left Lanling Jin and off they go to Yiling City to celebrate.

Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling, and Ouyang Zizhen were off fishing in Yiling with Wen Ning when Jingyi started dropping today's tea.

"So, believe me or not I heard there's this Sect from the East that blooms plum blossom trees, I think? I don't know, maybe you guys want to check it out? And also! Maybe Sizhui can paint all of us together. Wouldn't that be great!?" Lan Jingyi suggested enthusiastically as he caught something with his fishing rod, a carp.

"Maybe we can do that, but not too soon. We do have training to commence and I heard from Uncle Xichen that we'll be receiving students once more but from different Sects not just around our map consisting of Lanling Jin, Yunmeng Jiang, Qinghe Nie, and Gusu Lan, since Qishan Wen is in ruins it will be replaced by Yiling Wei even though Zizhen is the only disciple. There would be additional soon." Lan Sizhui stated putting a hand on his chin which only made him look smarter.

"Wow...Sizhui you're just like Hanguang-jun, but also like Wei-gongzi. So amazingly smart and updated." Ouyang Zizhen applauded with a huge smile on his face making Sizhui embarrassed but also took the compliment quite well.

Jin Ling then pulled his fishing rod and caught a huge catfish. "I'm curious which Sects would be studying with us. However I heard from Uncle that they're mainly third-grade disciples or second-grade disciples, unlike us being first-grade disciples." Jin Ling said as he showed the huge catfish at Lan Jingyi making the other fuming in jealousy and immediately setting up bait waiting for his catch.

As they talked and well Jingyi and Rulan bickering, Wen Ning just came from the Yiling Burial Mounds to lit up candles for his family. He also received a message from Wei Wuxian telling him to tell the message to the kids.

The four caught a glimpse of Wen Ning waving at them. "Uncle!" Sizhui happily exclaimed and hugged his uncle. As they broke off A-Ning immediately talked about the message.

"Wei-gongzi sent me a message and told me to tell you."

"What's the message about?"

"A banquet shall be held at the plaza of Yiling City. The elders asks of us to attend since they knew that we'll be just wandering and about." Wen Ning said chuckling at the last part. Wei Wuxian knew that they'll just be having fun and fooling around while a festival starts in Yiling.

"YEAH BANQUET! LET'S GO!" Ouyang Zizhen exclaimed as he swiftly fixed his fishing rod putting it in a storage near a tree where they hide their fishing rods before he took the bucket full of fish that he caught earlier.

The other three too started to fix their things carrying their buckets full of fish. As they walk through the forest Lan Sizhui asked something to Ouyang Zizhen.

"A-Zhen? How's training been with Yiling laoshi?"


Sizhui couldn't help but feel relieved and happy knowing that his Dad took the initiative to take in a disciple who would love to learn Demonic Cultivation. Sizhui too would love to learn Demonic Cultivation but he follows the path of a saint, he follows the footsteps of his Fuqin–Lan Wangji, same goes with Lan Jingyi although he doesn't act like a Lan at times, while Jin Ling walks the same path as Jiang Cheng, to be a great Sect Leader.

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