Chapter 2: The Speeding Voyage

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Arch-mage Arctus stood at the edge of the bustling port, his eyes fixed on the ship that would carry him to the mysterious Siren Islands. The morning sun cast a warm glow on the wooden vessel, its sails billowing in the gentle breeze. The Arch- mage adjusted his robes, his mind focused on the task at hand—quickly reaching the siren territory and healing his beloved disciple, Mirium, and after that, he would deal with the ancient one.

As he stepped aboard the ship, the salty scent of the sea filled his senses, invigorating him. The crew members scurried about, preparing for the journey ahead. Arch-mage Arctus made his way to the captain's quarters, where Captain Morgan awaited him.

“Lord Arctus, it is an honor to have you aboard,” Captain Morgan greeted him with a respectful tone. “We are ready to set sail as soon as you give the word.”

The Arch-mage nodded, his eyes scanning the room. Maps, navigational tools, and various trinkets adorned the walls, evidence of the captain's many voyages. “Captain Morgan, I must warn you that we are sailing into uncharted waters. The Siren Islands are said to be treacherous, with hidden dangers lurking beneath the waves.”

The captain's weathered face broke into a grin. “Fear not, my lord. My crew and I have faced many perils on our journeys. We are prepared for whatever awaits us.”

Satisfied with the captain's confidence, Arch-mage Arctus turned his attention to the task at hand. “Captain, our primary objective is to reach the Siren Islands swiftly and safely. Time is of the essence, as my disciple, Mirium, is in dire need of my assistance. I will cast a wind spell to boost the ship's speed, which would extremely shorten our journey. But you have to carefully hold on to the course.

Captain Morgan nodded, his eyes filled with determination. “I assure you, my lord, we will make all haste, and our ship is one of the finest in these waters.”

With that, the ship set sail, leaving the safety of the port behind. The Arch-mage stood at the bow, his eyes fixed on the horizon. The sea stretched out before him, its vastness both awe-inspiring and humbling. As the ship cut through the waves, Arch-mage Arctus could feel the magic in the air, tingling with anticipation. He cast the wind spell and the ship begins speeding crazily. It literarily zoomed across the sea waves.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days as the ship rushed onward. The Arch-mage spent his time in deep meditation, harnessing the power within him to heal Mirium. He could sense her pain, her weakened state, and it only fueled his determination to reach her side.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Arctus but only one week had passed, with the ship's speed boost, the misty Siren Islands came into view. The Arch mage's heart quickened with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Legend spoke of these islands as a place of enchantment, where the songs of sirens lured sailors to their doom. But Arch- mage Arctus was not swayed by such tales; he had a mission to complete.

As the ship anchored near the shores of the largest island, the Arch-mage and Captain Morgan gathered their belongings. They were met by a group of local siren elders, their faces weathered by the elements. One of them, an elderly woman with wise eyes, stepped forward.

“Arch-mage Arctus, we have been expecting you,” she said, her voice filled with reverence. “I am Elara, guardian and chief of these islands. Mirium awaits you in our sacred temple, but your crew must stay back, as we don't allow humans on our territory. This is the first human ship to arrive on our shore in nearly 1,000 years.

Arctus nodded and agreed to her demand. Elara motions her hands towards the temple, “your disciple has saved us some time by injuring the monstrous being, it hadn't made much progress toward this island so far. But doing so, she has exhausted her strength. She is still unconscious. We had not managed to awaken her.”

The Arch-mage's heart skipped a beat at the mention of his disciples' condition. With renewed vigor, he followed Chief Elara through dense forests and winding paths until they reached the temple nestled amidst towering cliffs.

Inside, Mirium lay on a stone altar, her body covered in a shimmering blue aura. Arch mage Arctus rushed to her side, his hands glowing with healing magic. As he channeled his mana into her, he felt a surge of energy course through her veins. Her mana had been drained completely, and she was showing signs of fatigue, that only showed after casting a forbidden spell. Soon, Her pale skin begins to color in a tinge of rose after all the healing is done.

Mirium's eyes fluttered open, and a weak smile graced her lips. “Master, you've come.”

Arch-mage Arctus nodded, relief washing over him. “Yes, my dear disciple. I am here, and I will take care of the rest. Don't worry.”

Once Mirium's strength had returned, she recounted the tale of the Ancient One. She described its immense size, its tentacles that reached far into the depths of the ocean, and the destructive power it possessed. Archmage Arctus listened intently, his mind already formulating a plan to confront this ancient beast. He looked at the distant blue sky, “Mirium, judging by the description you have provided, it's actually a baby ancient one. As you can see, it still hasn't grown wings. Its features haven't reached maturity. It should be only 10,000 years old and entered the mortal realm through a spatial rift to satiate its hunger. You were lucky that it hadn't developed the ability of flight. An ancient one needs nearly 1,00,000 years to reach adulthood. In the time of the twilight of gods, when nearly every god had been killed by these beasts, ancient tomes revealed those beasts to be over 1 million years old. In one of my travels, I had found one of the corpse of those truly ancient ones. Its sheer size will leave you stunned. We're fortunate that, this one is a baby beast.”

Mirium heaved a sigh of relief, “But, Master, can you handle it alone? Should we ask the Truth Symposium for reinforcement?” Arctus gestures her to follow him outside the temple," It might turned out to be a challenge, that's why you are going with me, but don’t engage unless necessary. If we can't handle it, then we have to ask for help. Besides, it would be too late, if we waited for reinforcement to come. The beast will destroy more islands, more life will be lost. So, we have to act now.”

Then, the Arch-mage and Mirium left the temple, they walked toward the ship. When they reached near it, seeing them, Captain Morgan approached, his face etched with concern. “My lord, I've heard whispers among the locals. They speak of a monstrous being coming. It is said to be unstoppable. Should we hurry to leave the vicinity of Siren territory?”

Arch-mage Arctus shakes his head, his eyes gleaming with determination. “No need, I will stop it, and face the Ancient One head-on. I must protect these islands and all those who call it home. Besides, it had hurt my disciple as well, the beast has to pay the price for it. You don't have to worry, just stay anchored here, I will handle it.”

And so, with their resolve strengthened, Arch-mage Arctus and Mirium set off on their journey to confront the Ancient One and restore peace to the Siren Islands once and for all.

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